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Leather West Africa

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113 items

Bull horn pendant necklace, 'Horn of Strength' - Brown Black and Cream Bull Horn Pendant Necklace

Horn of Strength

Brown Black and Cream Bull Horn Pendant Necklace

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)

Bull horn pendant necklace, 'Nature's Joy' - African Bull Horn Unisex Pendant Necklace

Nature's Joy

African Bull Horn Unisex Pendant Necklace

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)

Square bull horn pendant necklace, 'Breeze' - Handmade Square Bull Horn Pendant Necklace with Leather Cord


Handmade Square Bull Horn Pendant Necklace with Leather Cord

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)

Rectangular bull horn pendant necklace, 'Breeze' - Rectangle Bull Horn Pendant Necklace with Leather Cord


Rectangle Bull Horn Pendant Necklace with Leather Cord

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)

Leather desk pad, 'African Legacy' - Leather Desk Pad

African Legacy

Leather Desk Pad

(Francis Agbete)

Leather and bull horn pendant necklace, 'Brave Spirit' - Handcrafted Leather and Bull Horn African Unisex Necklace

Brave Spirit

Handcrafted Leather and Bull Horn African Unisex Necklace

(In Memory of Collins Amanatey Korle)
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