Golden Chrysanthemums
Chain Stitch Embroidered Brown and Yellow...
Spring Valley
Wool shawl
Spring Olive
Olive and Ivory Cotton Coin Purse with Floral Pattern
Ivory Glory
Rayon-Embroidered Woven Wool Shawl in Ivory Hues
Impassioned Kashmir in Cream
Floral Lace on Cream Wool Blend Shawl...
Flower Garden in Ivory
Reusable and Washable Black Cotton Floral...
Pink Blush
Hand-Embroidered Light Pink Paisley Motif Shawl from India
Snowy Chrysanthemums
White on Cream Floral Chain Stitch Embroidered...
Floral Daydream
Chikan Flowers in Indigo
Cotton and Silk Shawl in Champagne and...
Paisley Perfection
Embroidered Paisley Wool Shawl from India
Warm Blossoms
3 Embroidered Floral Cotton Contoured Face Masks
Springtime Blooms
100% Wool Aari Style Embroidered Floral Shawl from...
Chikan Roses in Claret
Cotton and Silk Shawl in Champagne and Claret...
Glamorous Tan and Ivory
2 Beaded Embroidered Cotton Face Masks in...