Hummingbird Couple
Hand Carved Jempinis Wood Hummingbird Sculpture...
Bee Eaters
Wood Bird Sculpture
Mother Penguin
Penguin Ishpingo Wood Sculpture Carving from Peru
Soldier Duck
Teak Wood Duck Statuette with Soldier Motif
My Lovely Bird
Adinkra Symbol Bird Wood Sculpture with Glass Beads
Elegant Mallard
Hand Painted Wood Female Mallard Duck Statuette from...
Feasting Hummingbird
Jempinis Wood Hummingbird Sculpture from Bali
Majestic Gaze
Unique Handcrafted Bird Scuplture
Male Common Loon
Albesia Wood Duck Sculpture
Scarlet Meditation
Hand-Carved Cedar Wood Scarlet Macaw Sculpture...
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle Cedar and Mahogany Statuette Artisan Crafted
Mother's Nest
Bird-Themed Mother and Child Cedar Wood Sculpture from...
Wise Owl
Peruvian Hand Carved Owl Sculpture
Harlequin Duck
Hand Made Wood Bird Sculpture
Mandarin Thought
Hand Carved Wood Duck Sculpture
Pensive Owl
Multicolor Owl Statuette Cedar and Mahogany Sculpture
Colorful Pheasant
Colorful Wood Sculpture of a Pheasant from Peru
Duck Family
Artisan Crafted Wood Sculpture (Set of 5)
Owl Bust
Suar Wood Bust Sculpture of an Owl from Bali
King Eider
Hand Crafted Suar Wood Duck Statuette
Owl Courier
African Hand Carved Rustic Owl Wood Sculpture
Majestic Heron
Hand-Painted Wood Alebrije Heron Sculpture from Mexico
Regal Quetzal
Floral Hand-Carved Painted Green Pinewood Quetzal...
Colorful Hummingbird
Multi Color Hummingbird Alebrije Sculpture...
The Woman and the Condor
Cedar and Mahogany Sculpture Handmade Peru
Blue Yonder
Blue and Green Carved Owl Alebrije Figure from Oaxaca
Penguin Mother and Chick
Suar Wood Penguin Sculpture Carved and...
Rainbow Macaws
Multi Color Birds on Tree Sculpture in Mahogany and...
Saint Francis
Wood Statuette of St Francis of Assisi with Animals
Faithful Servant
Hand Painted Pinewood Saint Francis Statuette
Blue Hummingbird
Blue Hummingbird Alebrije Hanging Sculpture from...
Javanese Duck
Handmade Natural Wood Puzzle Box
Wings of Mystery
Hand-Carved Cedarwood Figurine with Owl Motif from...
Iconic Bald Eagle
Suar and Teak Wood Eagle Sculpture Hand-Carved in...
Large as Life
Fair Trade Life Size Wooden Pintail Duck Sculpture
Kiwi Bird
Hand-Carved Hibiscus Wood Kiwi Bird Sculpture from Bali
Hummingbird Visits a Cactus
Hummingbird and Barrel Cactus Wood...
Common Kestrel
Handcrafted Suar Wood Kestrel Statuette
Mother Bird
Carved Jempinis Wood Bird Sculpture with Natural Base
Mother of Pride
Unique Wooden Bird Statuette from Bali and Java
Green Hummingbird
Green Hummingbird Alebrije Sculpture Crafted by Hand
Joyful Hummingbird
Wood Hanging Alebrije Hummingbird Sculpture in...
Happy Hummingbird
Handmade Floral Wood Bird Sculpture
Frosty Owl
Blue Tipped White and Black Owl Alebrije Figure from Oaxaca
Hummingbird Love
Handmade Wood Hummingbird Sculpture with...
Floral Dance
Hand-Carved Hummingbird Flower-Themed Cedarwood Figurine
Brown Ashanti Bird
Hand Carved African Wood Bird Sculpture with...
Two by Two
Handcrafted West African Noah's Ark Set
Colorful Macaw
Multicolored Hand Painted Pinewood Macaw Figurine
Flirty Hen
Hen Alebrije Figurine
Fiery Eagle
Copal Wood Alebrije Eagle Figurine Painted in Red and Blue
Fantastic Forest
Hand Painted Albesia Wood Forest Animal Egg Sculpture
Red Plumage
Handmade Cedar Wood and Natural Fiber Bird Figurine in Red
Hummingbirds and Mushrooms
Unique Wood Sculpture of Hummingbirds and...
Emperor Penguin
Multicolored Hand Painted Penguin Figurine
Black Sankofa
Fair Trade Wood Sculpture of Sankofa Bird from Ghana
Nesting Bird
Nesting Bird Hand Carved Wood Sculpture
American Kestrel
Realistic Wood Bird Sculpture
Striking Rooster
Hand-Carved & Hand Painted Wood Rooster Alebrije...
Red Sankofa
African Tribal Wood Bird Carving with Metal Accents
Proud Peacock
Handcrafted Wooden Peacock Sculpture From India
Skateboard Duck
Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Skateboarder Duck Sculpture
Divine Swan
Hand-Carved Brown Suar Wood Sculpture of Elegant Swan
Perky Red Parrot
Handmade Red Parrot Alebrije Sculpture from Mexico
White Dapper Duck
Bamboo Root and Wood Duck Sculpture in White from...
Owl Messenger
Handcrafted Rustic African Bird Theme Wood Sculpture
A Heron's Grace
Wood sculpture
Midnight Hunt
Artisan Crafted Jempinis Wood Owl Statuette
Patient Eagles
Hand Carved Suar Wood Eagle Sculpture
Watchful Owl
Wooden Upright Owl Sculpture Hand Carved in Ghana
Gardener Duck
Handcrafted Bamboo Root and Teak Wood Gardener Duck...
Singing Canary
Handcrafted Suar Wood Canary Sculpture with Wooden Base
Chef Duck
Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Sculpture from Bali
Hide and Seek
Wood jali sculpture
Night Owl
Artisan Crafted Wood Bird Sculpture
Colorful Peacock
Hand-Painted Alebrije Wood Peacock Sculpture from...
Loving Saint
Hand Painted Pinewood Sculpture of Saint Francis
Hand Painted Small Flamingo Figurine
Green Plumage
Handmade Cedar Wood and Natural Fiber Bird Figurine in...
Black-Necked Stilt
Beach Cottage Wood Bird Decorative Accent from Bali
Proud Balinese Rooster
Vintage Style Rooster Sculpture
Big Eyes Owl
Owl-Themed Tilia Wood and Stainless Steel Sculpture in...
Friendly Penguin
Hand Crafted Jempinis Wood Penguin Statuette
Flying Brown Eagle
Hand Carved Realistic Wood Eagle Sculpture from Bali