Stork with Lotus Blossoms
Carved Wood Bird Relief Panel
Ganesha, Bestower of Happiness
Balinese Ganesha Mask
Buddha in Repose
Fair Trade Indonesian Buddha Sculpture
Kwan Im Goddess
Crocodile Wood Hindu Sculpture
Garuda the Eagle
Balinese Eagle Mask
Om Serenity
Hand Carved Om Motif Wood Wall Relief Panel from Bali
Unique Handcrafted Indonesian Mask
Gesture of Teaching
Unique Wood Buddha Sculpture in Vitarka Mudra Pose
Barong Sae
Hand Carved Balinese Barong Wall Mask
Heroic Monkey
Balinese Cultural Wood Hanuman Monkey Deity Mask
Monkey King Subali
Balinese Mythic Monkey Mask
Relaxing Buddha
Balinese Hand-Carved Wood Buddha Statuette
Om Garden
Suar Wood Om Relief Panel with Natural Motifs from Bali
Suratma the Gatekeeper
Balinese Cultural Mask
A Simple and True Life
Indonesian Wood Buddha Sculpture
Bhoma the Protector
Balinese Folk Art Hero Mask
Dragon's Master
Chinese Master and Dragon Suar Wood Relief Panel...
Mandala of Enlightenment
Hand-Carved Wood Floral Wall Art from...
Floral Relief Wall Panel
Island Peony
Handcrafted Floral Wood Relief Panel
Dragon's Head
Wood Statuette from Indonesia
Hanoman the White Monkey
Ramayana Theme Hindu Mask
Divine Knowledge
Hand Carved Balinese Crocodile Wood Hindu Goddess...
Musical Barong
Handcarved Barong Dance Suar Wood Wall Panel from Bali
Balsamina Blossoms
Hand Carved Round Wooden Mirror