Be Happy
Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Female Nude Sculpture
Butterfly Queen
Hand Carved Suar Wood Fairy Statuette
Yoga Expert
Hand-Carved Yoga-Themed Suar Wood Sculpture from Bali
Mother's Love
Mother and Child Suar Wood Statuette
Dancing Sri
Hand-Carved Wood Hindu Sculpture of Sri from Bali
Ustrasana Pose
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of a Woman from Bali
Dancing with Son
Balinese Hand-Carved Mother and Son Wood Sculpture
Golden Prison
Oil and Acrylic Figure Painting on Canvas
Asana Pose in Red
Handmade Cement Yoga Statuette from Java
Care of a Mother
Mother and Child-Themed Suar Wood Sculpture from Bali
Dancers' Poem
Artisan Hand Carved Wood Statuette of Bali Dancers
Praying Bride
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Praying Balinese Bride Sculpture
Asana Pose in Brown
Hand Crafted Cement Yoga Statuette
Yoga Women
Yoga-Themed Suar Wood Scultpure from Bali
Sensuous Lady
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Female Form Sculpture from Bali
Asana Pose in Black
Hand-Painted Cement Yoga Statuette
Camel Pose
Indonesian Hand-Carved Signed Wood Tabletop Yoga Sculpture
Lady Merchant
Indonesian Merchant Woman Wood Sculpture from Bali...
Asana Pose in White
Hand-Cast Cement Yoga Statuette
Modern Woman
Wood statuette
Serene Mermaid
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Serene Mermaid Sculpture
Hand Carved Original Wood Sculpture
Leg Stretch