Fraternal Guardian
Handcrafted Crackled Angel Ceramic Sculpture from...
Abundance Realm
Triangular Red-Orange Ceramic Platter with...
Harmonious Guardian
Fair Trade Crackled Ceramic Sculpture of Angel...
Majestic Pond
Bird-Themed Glazed Green and Brown Ceramic Platter
Bloom Dame
Folk Art Armenian Antiqued Ceramic Sculpture of Flower Girl
Azure Jewel
Handcrafted Azure Jewel-Shaped Ceramic Mirror from Armenia
Angelic Chanter
Traditional Armenian-Themed Angel and Bird Ceramic...
Aqua Fortune
Traditional Glazed Turquoise and Brown Ceramic Platter
Armenian Era
Mosaic-Inspired Green and Brown Round Bottle Ceramic Vase
Bird and Girl
Beech Wood-Framed Antiqued Handcrafted Ceramic Wall Art
Ancestral World
Round Turquoise Ceramic Vase with Ancient Pictographs
Ancestral Pillar
Tall Turquoise Ceramic Vase with Ancient Pictographs
Giraffe's Waves
Handcrafted Ceramic Giraffe Sculpture with Wavy Details
Passionate Elixir
Mosaic-Inspired Green and Red Bottle-Shaped...
New Beginnings
Pomegranate-Themed Traditional Ceramic and Wood Wall Art
Devoted Guardian
Artisan-Handmade Crackled Ceramic Sculpture of...
Geometrical Omens
Pomegranate-Themed Geometric Glazed Ceramic Platter
Angelic Bloom
Folk Art Angel and Flower Ceramic Wall Art with Wood...