Fraternal Guardian
Handcrafted Crackled Angel Ceramic Sculpture from...
Abundance Realm
Triangular Red-Orange Ceramic Platter with...
Harmonious Guardian
Fair Trade Crackled Ceramic Sculpture of Angel...
Majestic Pond
Bird-Themed Glazed Green and Brown Ceramic Platter
Bloom Dame
Folk Art Armenian Antiqued Ceramic Sculpture of Flower Girl
Angelic Chanter
Traditional Armenian-Themed Angel and Bird Ceramic...
Aqua Fortune
Traditional Glazed Turquoise and Brown Ceramic Platter
Armenian Era
Mosaic-Inspired Green and Brown Round Bottle Ceramic Vase
Bird and Girl
Beech Wood-Framed Antiqued Handcrafted Ceramic Wall Art
Ancestral World
Round Turquoise Ceramic Vase with Ancient Pictographs
Ancestral Pillar
Tall Turquoise Ceramic Vase with Ancient Pictographs
Passionate Elixir
Mosaic-Inspired Green and Red Bottle-Shaped...
New Beginnings
Pomegranate-Themed Traditional Ceramic and Wood Wall Art
Devoted Guardian
Artisan-Handmade Crackled Ceramic Sculpture of...
Geometrical Omens
Pomegranate-Themed Geometric Glazed Ceramic Platter
Angelic Bloom
Folk Art Angel and Flower Ceramic Wall Art with Wood...