Green Daghdghan
Handcrafted Traditional Green Ceramic Armenian...
Eternal Rhythms
Pomegranate-Themed Red and Blue Ceramic Windchime
Omens from the Forest
Pair of Glazed Green and Red Ceramic...
Red Daghdghan
Handcrafted Traditional Red Ceramic Daghdghan Ornament
Fire Daghdghan
Traditional Painted Warm-Toned Ceramic Daghdghan Wall...
Bezoar Goat
Terracotta Decorative Jar and Lid with Bezoar Goat Motif
Artsakh Fortune
Traditional Red and Teal Ceramic Pomegranate Wall Decor
Passionate Luck
Hand-Painted Red and Teal Pomegranate Daghdhan Wall...
Artsakh Amulet
Traditional Red and Yellow Ceramic Pomegranate Wall...
Peaceful Pigeon
Traditional Pigeon-Themed Teal Ceramic Daghghan Wall...
Blue Wonder
Bird-Themed Blue Ceramic Wall Accent Mirror from Armenia
Turquoise Harmony
Painted Pomegranate-Shaped Ceramic Vase Pair in...
Floral Luck
Hand-Painted Yellow and Red Pomegranate Daghdhan Wall Decor
Armenian Waters
Glazed Abstract-Themed Blue Ceramic Vase Made in...
Starry Amulet
Traditional Teal and Yellow Ceramic Pomegranate Wall...
Flower of Vitality
Handmade Floral Ceramic Pendant Necklace in Black...
Pomegranate Spirit
Classic Hand-Painted Glazed Red Pomegranate...
Passionate Daghdghan
Traditional Pomegranate-Themed Ceramic...
Regal Daghdghan
Traditional Patterned Painted Ceramic Daghdghan Wall...
Vibrant Green Pomegranate
Pair of Glazed Ceramic Pomegranate...
Prosperity Melodies
Floral Pomegranate-Shaped Ceramic Windchime in...
Ancient Sun
Black and Brown Sun-Themed Ceramic Cord Pendant Necklace
Noble Daghdghan
Traditional Hand-Painted Ceramic Daghdghan Wall Accent
Precious Passion
Handcrafted Pomegranate and Tree-Themed Ceramic...
Commitment Charm
Hand-Painted Red and White Ceramic Pomegranate...
Azure Blooms
Classic Artisan-Made Floral Azure and Brown Ceramic Vase
Ancient Grandeur
Handcrafted Traditional Patterned Ceramic Mini Vase
Traveler Cat
Handcrafted Whimsical Cat-Shaped Ceramic Wall Art
Mystic Omen
Hand-Painted Pomegranate-Shaped Ceramic Figurine
Ancestral Eras
Traditional Bezoar Goat-Themed Brown Decorative Vase
Starry Daghdghan
Traditional Starry Ceramic Daghdghan Wall Accent
Artsakh Heritage
Handcrafted Artsakh-Patterned Ceramic Mini Vase...
Ancestor's Victory
Folk Art Traditional-Patterned Ceramic Mini Vase
Petals in Red
Handcrafted Red Bloom Ceramic Pendant Necklace from...
Palatial Daghdghan
Traditional Cross-Patterned Ceramic Daghdghan...
Passion Charm
Hand-Painted Red and Black Ceramic Pomegranate Figurine
Daghdghan Bird
Bird-Shaped Traditional Glazed Daghdghan Ceramic Wall...
Ivory Wonder
Bird-Themed Ivory Ceramic Wall Accent Mirror from Armenia
Petals in Fire
Folk Art Orange Bloom Ceramic Pendant Necklace from...
Precious Rejoice
Classic Pomegranate and Grape-Themed Ceramic...
Sweet Pomegranate
Pair of Red and Grey Glazed Ceramic Pomegranate...
Nature Marks
Pair of Handcrafted Brown Terracotta Decorative Flower...
Bewitched Passion
Handcrafted Pomegranate-Shaped Blue Ceramic...
Joyous Passion
Handmade Pomegranate-Shaped Yellow Ceramic Decorative...
Turquoise Omen
Handcrafted Glazed Pomegranate-Shaped Turquoise...
Iconic Bezoar Goat
Terracotta Plate with Armenian Bezoar Goat Motif
Petals in Mint
Mint and Red Flower Ceramic Pendant Necklace from...
Vital Passion
Handcrafted Pomegranate-Shaped Green Ceramic...
Blue Metropolis
Pair of Handcrafted Ceramic Coasters in Blue and Red...
Pomegranate Blossom
Classic Armenian Handmade Pomegranate-Themed...
Radiant Universe
Star-Themed Ceramic Pendant Necklace in Black and...
Precious Prophecy
Folk Art Hand-Painted Pomegranate-Themed Ceramic...
Omens from the Sky
Pair of Glazed Aqua and Red Ceramic Pomegranate...
Blue Cosmopolis
Pair of Handcrafted Geometric Ceramic Coasters in Blue
Flying Fish
Handcrafted Whimsical Fish-Shaped Ceramic Wall Art