Cozy Animals
Embroidered Wool Cat Ornaments from India (Set of 6)
Festive Pups
Embroidered Wool Dog Ornaments from India (Set of 6)
Sleeping Angel
Hand-Painted Glazed Ceramic Angel Ornament from Armenia
Dala Cheer
Set of 4 Artisan-Painted Christmas Horse Ornaments
Andean Peacocks
Set of 4 Dried Gourd Peacock Ornaments from Peru
Marigold Dove
2 Yellow Floral Ceramic Peace Dove Ornaments Crafted...
Quitapenas Angels
Cultural Cotton Angel Ornaments from Guatemala...
Peaceful Dove
Peace Themed Red Holiday Stocking with Dove Motif
Happy Face
Whimsical Hand-Painted Glazed Armenian Ceramic Bell Ornament
Angelic Flower in Blue
Floral Angel-Themed Blue and Purple Ceramic...
Fruit Splendor
Handmade Ceramic Bell Ornament with Pomegranate Grape...
Lovely Pomegranate
Handmade Glazed Ceramic Bell Ornament with...
Aztec Cosmos
Ceramic Aztec Calendar Ornaments from Mexico (Set of 4)
Bells of Kashmir
Papier Mache Bell Ornaments (Set of 5) from India
Passionate Bells
Hand-Painted Red and Yellow Ceramic Bell Ornaments...
Old-Fashioned Santa
Hand Crocheted Santa Head Ornaments (Pair)
Stocking Santas
Set of 5 Santa Stocking Wool Felt Ornaments
Santa Duck
Bamboo Root and Wood Santa Duck Decorative Figurine