Kecak Janger
Janger Dance-Inspired Suar Wood Wall Sculpture from Bali
Wonderful Guitar
Black Wood Sculpture of a Guitar from Ghana
Agile Grace
Folkloric Dancers Sculpted in Multi-Colored Woods
Wood Sculpture of Marinera Dancers from Peru
My Palatial Melody
Handcrafted Leafy Apricot Wood Duduk and Classic...
My Nocturnal Melody
Handcrafted Black Apricot Wood Duduk and Classic...
Honeymoon Dance
Hand Carved Romantic Wood Sculpture
Dancing with Son
Balinese Hand-Carved Mother and Son Wood Sculpture
Saxophone Serenade
Music-Themed Abstract Apricot Wood Saxophonist...
One Violinist
Handmade Music-Themed Semi-Abstract Apricot Wood...
Rhythm of the Night
Black Wood Duduk and Flute Set with Classic Blue...
Rhythm of the Morning
Brown Wood Duduk and Flute Set with Classic...
Rhythm of Armenia
Handcrafted Apricot Wood Duduk and Flute Set with...
Frafra Dancer
Original African Tribal Dance Mask Crafted in Wood and...
Rhythm of the Evening
Dark Brown Wood Duduk and Flute Set with...
Sweet Palatial Melodies
Leafy Wood Duduk Musical Instrument with...
Orangutan Plays the Jambe
Handcrafted Wood Sculpture from Bali
Northern Melodies
Stylized Wood Sculpture of a Traditional Kora Player
Shadow Dance
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of a Dancing Couple
Baris Dancer
Balinese Dance Themed Hand Carved Wood Wall Panel
Damba Dance II
Signed African Batik Collage Painting
Tijera Dance
Cultural Dance Wood and Ceramic Retablo from Peru
Adowa Dancer
African Woman Tribal Dancer Hand Carved Wood Sculpture
Dancers' Poem
Artisan Hand Carved Wood Statuette of Bali Dancers
Ancestral Tune
Hand-Carved Leafy Duduk and Flute Set with Textile Case
Orangutan Makes Melodies
Artisan Crafted Orangutan Wood Statuette
Dancing Jester
Unique Handcrafted Wooden Dance Sculpture
Salsa Dance
Semi Abstract Wood Sculpture of Couple Salsa Dancing
Orangutan Plays the Ceng-ceng
Hand-carved Sculpture from Bali
Proud Ensemble
Set of Three Traditional Pine and Birch Wood Figurines
Gallant Ensemble
Set of Three Hand-Painted Wood Musician Figurines
Bali Dancer
Crocodile Wood Sculpture of Balinese Dancer
Balinese Janger Dancer
Balinese Janger Dancer Mask in Crocodile Wood
Dance for Peace
Artisan Crafted African Wood Wall Mask Igbo Peace Dance
Blue Invitation to Peace
Blue Decorative Djembe Drum Artisan Crafted...
Saraswati Plays
Hand Crafted Kadam Wood Saraswati Sculpture
Barong Dances
Artisan Crafted Wood Statuette
Unique Hand Carved Wood Balinese Folk Art Cowbell
Nocturnal Rhythm
Black Apricot Wood Duduk and Black Leather Case...
Delightful Rhythm
Brown Apricot Wood Duduk and Black Leather Case...