'Still Life in Terracotta'
Set of Two Mixed Media Paintings
Nymphs in a Tropical Garden
Original Abstract Oil Painting
Tropical Garden
People and Portraits Expressionist Painting
Creative Melody
Original Jazz Musician Oil Painting from Peru
Red and Green
Colorful Landscape Expressionist Painting from Peru
Sunset II
Ocean-Themed Expressionist Painting in Blue from Peru
Colorful Original Andean Painting
Colors of the Andes
Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Painting
Surreal Pair
Surreal Horse Painting from Peru
Mystic Horse
Original Abstract Horse Painting
Original Andean Fine Art Painting of Colorful Willow Trees
Andean Houses
Peruvian Pastels Painting
The Path of Paint Traces
Signed Expressionist Oil and Coated Paper...
Expressionist Abstract Warm-Toned Landscape Oil Painting
Harmony of Colors
Colorful Expressionist Abstract Painting from Peru
Signed Expressionist Colorful Painting from Peru
Fire in the Sunset
Signed Expressionist Painting in Red (2016) from...
Colorful Pampas in the Andes
Signed Expressionist Colorful Diptych...
Under the Red Sky
Signed Expressionist Blue and Red Diptych Painting...
Northern Lights
Signed Expressionist Multicolored Diptych Painting...
Sipán II
Signed Expressionist Orange and Red Oil Painting from Peru
Sipán I
Signed Expressionist Blue and Purple Oil Painting from Peru
Male Torso
Signed Abstract Expressionist Painting
Opera Woman
Portrait Painting in Acrylic on Canvas
Mysterious Blue and Gold Hair
Acrylic on Canvas Portrait Painting
Golden Woman in the Sky
Signed Acrylic Woman's Portrait Painting
Woman Above the Stars
Original Expressionist Portrait Painting
Andean Culture
Peru Fine Art Original Oil Expressionist Painting
Abstract Expressionist Painting
Woman III
Artistic Nude Expressionist Painting from Peru (2010)
Posing in Peace on a...
Andean World Peace Painting Seascape Memories
Allegro with Violin
Original Fine Art Oil Painting Peru
Tree Facing the Night
Unstretched Acrylic Expressionist Painting of...
Wild Sea
Expressionist Acrylic on Canvas of Wave Breaking on Rocks
Looking Back on the Beach
Beach Portrait Painting from Peru
Silent Presence
Original Acrylic Portrait Painting
Hiding the Void
Colorful Abstract Acrylic Painting
Fly Doves, Fly
World Peace Project Expressionist Painting of Peace...
Explorers of the Ocean
Signed Expressionist Painting of Pigeons and...
Fishing Port
Framed Signed Expressionist Oil Fishing Port Painting
Sailboats in Blue
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Painting of...
Sailboats at High Seas
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Seascape...
Melodies of Yesteryear
Music-Themed Original Watercolor Painting
Andean Joy
Signed Original Watercolor Painting
Original Watercolor on Paper Painting
The Market and Its Aromas
Original Market Scene Watercolor Painting
Sunset Sonata
Andean Musician Watercolor Painting