Gifts for Baby Jesus
Wood Nativity Scene Set of 8 Pcs Handmade Peru
Vihara Spirit House
Hand Made Teak Sculpture
Spirit of Happiness
Handcrafted Wood Buddha from India
Guinea Pig Christmas
Guinea Pig Andean Christmas Nativity Scene in...
Dragon Pagoda
Handcrafted Teakwood Spirit House from Thailand
Rama and Sita Reclining
Hand-Carved Rama and Sita Sculpture from Bali
Royal Protector
Hand-Carved Kadam Wood Sculpture of Ganesha from India
Dream of Love
Natural Fiber Nativity Sculpture with Indigo Cotton...
Beautiful Sita
Balinese Handcarved Wood Mask of Sita Wife of Rama
Gapura Gaze
Hand-Carved Cultural Suar Wood Bookends from Bali (7.5 in.)
Buddha and Lotus
Wood Sculpture of Buddha's Head on a Lotus Flower...
Peaceful Om
Handcrafted Java Wood Om Wall Silhouette Art
Buddha at Rest
Buddha Sculpture
Handcrafted Balinese Suar Wood Meditating Buddha Statuette