Personal Style
By Natalie
This curator from Los Angeles, California has made 4 collections and has been a member since 2015.

Cool Blues
By Natalie
This curator from Los Angeles, California has made 4 collections and has been a member since 2015.

Look to the Stars!
By Look to the Stars!
Like many, I love to look up at the stars at night. There's nothing more magical or humbling. ...read more

Be True to Yourself rings
By VickiV
These rings say "I am strong, powerful and know my own mind. I don't NEED you in my life, but I...read more

Midnight Blue
By Love and Sunshine
Remember lying in a field looking at the sky, drawing pictures in the stars? Remember late night...read more

For Peace
By Mundalicious
Now is the time to come together. We are all brothers and sisters afterall.

By Liderien
the rings I want to purcahse

By Heidi
Silver jewelry and gemstones are my thing. l love Peridot as it's my birth stone and green (my...read more