Andean Flora in Sky Blue
Sky Blue Recycled Metal Candlestick with...
Ayacucho Flowered Stars
Ceramic Star Ornaments With Hand-Painted...
Celebrating the Birth
Peruvian Folk Art Wood Retablo
Mantaro Valley
Hand-Carved Gourd Decorative Box with Andean Pastoral...
Vivid Sunrays
Handcrafted Natural Fiber Decorative Guacamayas Bowl
Party of the Masks
Ceramic and Wood Frame Wall Mirror
Big Colorful Pucara Bull
Hand Painted Ceramic Bull with Floral...
Guacamayas Summer
Red Natural Fiber Decorative Bowl with Geometric...
Dream Environment
Handwoven Natural Rush Fiber Basket Painted in...
Home Sweet Home
Hand-carved Hand-painted Dried Gourd Birdhouse from...
On the Night of the Holy Birth
Unique Handmade Andean Nativity...
Llama Walk
Hand Made Cotton Arpillera Decorative Mitts Featuring Llamas
Cross of Lamentation
Hand Made Religious Wood Retablo Diorama Andean...
Condor Flight
El Condor Pasa Hand Made Cotton Arpillera Wall Hanging
Andean Hummingbird
Peruvian Engraved Dried Gourd Green Hummingbird...
Sunset Hummingbirds
Engraved Dried Gourd Orange Hummingbird Figurine
Mama Cat
Hand-Painted Cat-Themed Dried Gourd Birdhouse from Peru
Ayacucho Scissors Dance
Dance Themed Wood and Plaster Retablo
The Three Kings
Applique Christmas stocking
Majestic Tree in Red
Hand-Painted Floral Ceramic Dove Tree Sculpture...
Children at Play
Hand-Painted Wood Retablo Wall Mirror Crafted in Peru
Virgin of Guadalupe
Religious Retablo Sculpture Handamade in Peru