Blossom Delight
Floral Embroidered White Rayon Blouse from Bali
Flower Colors in Black
Floral Embroidered Rayon Blouse in Black from...
Azure Blossom
Blue Rayon Embroidered Floral Blouse
Glorious Java
Beaded Blue Cotton Batik Handbag Hand Crafted in Bali
Kayangan in Black
Ebony and Smoke Embroidered Rayon Tunic from Bali
Glamorous Grey and Turquoise
2 Beaded Embroidered Cotton Face Masks...
Glamour and Sparkle
2 Hand Beaded Cotton Contoured Face Masks in...
Feminine Glam
2 Hand Beaded Cotton Contoured Face Masks in Black and...
Island Glamour
3 Beaded Lace Contoured 2-Layer Rayon Face Masks
Rose Mallow in Red
Red Floral Openwork and Embroidered Rayon Top
Island Fashion
1 Grey-1 White-1 Grey Beaded Lace Balinese Face Masks
Island Elegance
3 Beaded Lace Embroidered Contoured Face Masks
Balinese Glamour
2 Beaded Embroidered Cotton Face Masks in Orange...