White-Eyed Lotus
Floral Pearl and Sterling Silver Button Earrings
Red Summertime Zinnia
Resin Coated Natural Zinnia Button Earrings...
Cradle Lily
Floral Peridot and Silver Button Earrings from India
Amethyst Centered Floral Silver Earrings from India
Taxco Wildflower
Hand Made Floral Fine Silver Button Earrings from...
Oneiric Blossom
Resin-Coated Meadowsweets Flower Button Earrings in...
Fascinating Roses
Hand-Carved Bone Rose Button Earrings from Bali
Rain Forrest Drops
Beautiful Teardrop Shaped Handcrafted Earrings
Taxco Sunflowers
Silver button earrings
Blossoming Beauty
Sterling Silver and Rainbow Moonstone Floral Button...