My Lovely Bird
Adinkra Symbol Bird Wood Sculpture with Glass Beads
Grace from Ghana
Fair Trade Wooden Elephant Sculptures
Owl Courier
African Hand Carved Rustic Owl Wood Sculpture
Duck Family
Artisan Crafted Wood Sculpture (Set of 5)
Bird of Happiness
Circular Hand Crafted and Painted West African Mask
The Nature of Antelope
Teak Wood sculpture
Leading Mother
Ebony Wood Elephant Figurines from Ghana (Set of 3)
Green Ga Fish
Hand Carved Fish Theme Decorative Wood Box from Ghana
Elephant's Burden
Mahogany Wood Statuette of an Elephant from Ghana
Victory Dove
Bird Theme Folk Art Hand Carved African Mask
Black African Duck
Ghana Hand Carved Duck Sculpture
Cheerful Mates
Hand Carved African Sese Wood Giraffe Sculptures