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Between Ocean Waves
Striped Cotton Scarf in Cerulean and Royal Blue...
Maroon Comalapa Breeze
Handwoven Striped Cotton Shawl
Mulberry Stripes
Handwoven Square Cotton Scarf in Mulberry from Mexico
Ocean Subtlety
Handwoven Cotton Wrap Scarf in Navy from Guatemala
Sweet Stripes in Turquoise
Handwoven Cotton Scarf in Turquoise and...
Friendly Stripes
Hand Woven Silk and Rayon Striped Scarf from Thailand
Subtle Movement in Red
Brick Red and Pink Handwoven Fringed Scarf...
Jaspe Journey
Handwoven Shawl from Guatemalan Womens Collective
Free As a BirdBy SGustafson
All children should be able to live free of fear.
My FavoritesBy JerriLynn
Jewelry making, Art, Literature, Needlework