Eternal Rhythms
Pomegranate-Themed Red and Blue Ceramic Windchime
Exotic Pomegranate
Hand-Painted Ceramic Bottle Vase with Pomegranate...
Pomegranate Tree in Teal
Glazed Ceramic Vase with Pomegranate Tree...
Rhythmic Dream
Hand-Painted Whimsical Blue Musical Angel Ceramic...
Sleeping Angel
Hand-Painted Glazed Ceramic Angel Ornament from Armenia
Juicy Pomegranate
Round Hand-Painted Pomegranate Ceramic Vase from...
Traveler Cat
Handcrafted Whimsical Cat-Shaped Ceramic Wall Art
Homey Bird
Hand-Painted Bird-Themed Brown and Green Ceramic Wall Art
Fruit Splendor
Handmade Ceramic Bell Ornament with Pomegranate Grape...
Daghdghan Bird
Bird-Shaped Traditional Glazed Daghdghan Ceramic Wall...
Happy Face
Whimsical Hand-Painted Glazed Armenian Ceramic Bell Ornament
Madam Cat
Painted Feline Lady Ceramic Bell Ornament with Leather Cord
Pomegranate Tree in Blue
Angelic Flower in Blue
Floral Angel-Themed Blue and Purple Ceramic...