Talavera Stars
Talavera Ceramic Star Ornaments Crafted in Mexico...
Cathedral Diamond
Hand-Painted Traditional Diamond Ceramic Ornament
Cathedral Pinecone
Hand-Painted Traditional Pinecone Ceramic Ornament
Eclipse of the Sun
Crescent Moon Eclipse Ceramic Ornaments (Pair)
Festive Cats
Festive Hand Painted Ceramic Cat Ornaments (Set of 6)
Cathedral Sphere
Hand-Painted Traditional Spherical Ceramic Ornament
Talavera Bells
Bell-Shaped Talavera-Style Ceramic Ornaments (Pair)
Noah's Ark Friends
Terracotta AnimalsMini Ornaments (Set of 30)
North Star
Star-Shaped Talavera Ceramic Ornaments from Mexico (Pair)
Talavera Stocking
Talavera-Style Ceramic Stocking Ornaments (Set of 4)
Festive Felines
Hand-Painted Cat-Themed Floral Ceramic Ornaments...
Lapis Ambience
Handcrafted Talavera Ceramic Ornaments in Lapis (Set...
Talavera Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree Talavera Ceramic Ornaments...
Celebrating the Season
Hand-Painted Retablo Nativity Ornaments (Set...
Talavera Celebration
Floral Ceramic Christmas Tree Ornaments from...