Huichol Mandala
Petite Pinewood Decoupage Box with Huichol Icons
Queen of the Heavens
Fair Trade Decoupage Wood Chest
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe Decoupage on Pinewood...
A Bouquet for My Guadalupe
Catholic Wood Decorative Box
Butterfly Enchantment
Floral Decoupage Box with Butterflies and...
Cosmic Mandala
Mandala Motif Decoupage Wood Decorative Box from Mexico
Tonala Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Motif Decorative Box
Skull of the Beloved
Day of the Dead Mexican Wood Box with Decoupage
Lady with a Cat
Mexican Hand Crafted Romantic Decoupage Mini Chest
Otomi Flight
Wood Box with Otomi Inspired Bird Decoupage from Mexico
Tea Time
Petite Ventilated Decoupage Decorative Tea Box from Mexico
Skeleton Cats
Skeleton Cat Decoupage Wood Decorative Box from Mexico
Handmade Decoupage Wood Box with Printed Cover from Mexico
Otomi Birds
Happy Catrina
Day of the Dead Decorative Box
Floral Cats
Cat-Themed Decoupage Wood Decorative Box from Mexico