Perfect Curiosity
Hand-Carved Cedarwood Sculptures from Peru (Pair)
Parisian Cat
Colorful Wood Cat Sculpture Crafted in Peru
Fully Flirty
Hand-Carved Cat Themed Wood Sculptures from Peru (Pair)
Thoughtful Kitty Cat
Artisan Crafted Hand Carved Wooden Cat Sculpture
Patchwork Cat
Finely Crafted Wood Cat Sculpture
Sweet Cat in White
Ceramic Figurine of a Floral White Cat from Peru
Feline Allure
Sleek Cat Fashioned from Peruvian Wood
On the Prowl
Ishpingo Wood Cat Statuette
Moche Captive
Decorative Peru Archaeology Ceramic Moche Replica
Sweet Cat in Black
Ceramic Figurine of a Floral Black Cat from Peru
Colorful Kittens
Hand-Painted Ceramic Cat Figurines from Peru (Set...
Simple Cat
Hand-Carved Cedar Wood Cat Figurine from Peru
Mother Cat
Cedar Wood Cat Figurines from Peru (Pair)