Elephant Paramours
Pair of Handmade Thai Celadon Ceramic Elephant...
Charming Tecolote
Ceramic Owl Figurine in White Hand-Painted in...
Rustic Bunting
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Rustic Bunting Bird...
Saffron Finch
Hand-sculpted Hand-painted Ceramic Saffron Finch Figurine
Great Horned Owl
Hand Sculpted, Painted Ceramic Great Horned Owl...
Women of the Andes
Hand Crafted Ceramic Figurines in Peruvian...
Scolded Pup
Green Celadon Ceramic Figurine
Red-Winged Blackbird
Ceramic Figurine of a Red-Winged Blackbird from...
Chullo Llama in White
Multicolored Llama Ceramic Figurine