Orchard Oriole
Ceramic Figurine of an Orchard Oriole Bird from...
Elephant Paramours
Pair of Handmade Thai Celadon Ceramic Elephant...
Charming Tecolote
Ceramic Owl Figurine in White Hand-Painted in...
Rustic Bunting
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Rustic Bunting Bird...
Great Horned Owl
Hand Sculpted, Painted Ceramic Great Horned Owl...
Saffron Finch
Hand-sculpted Hand-painted Ceramic Saffron Finch Figurine
Women of the Andes
Hand Crafted Ceramic Figurines in Peruvian...
Scolded Pup
Green Celadon Ceramic Figurine
Red-Winged Blackbird
Ceramic Figurine of a Red-Winged Blackbird from...
Chullo Llama in White
Multicolored Llama Ceramic Figurine