Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Whippoorwill Bird Figurine
Peregrine Falcon
Guatemalan Handmade Peregrine Falcon Ceramic Bird...
Blue Tree of Doves
Hand-Painted Ceramic Dove Tree Sculpture in Blue...
Unique Hand Painted Ceramic Bird Art Vessel
Royal Flycatcher
Hand-Painted Ceramic Royal Flycatcher Bird Figurine
Indigo Bunting
Handcrafted Blue Indigo Bunting Bird Ceramic Figurine
Hand Sculpted, Hand Painted Ceramic Cardinal Figurine
Turquoise-Browed Motmot
Hand Painted Ceramic Motmot Sculpture
Guatemalan Artisan Crafted Roadrunner Ceramic Bird Figurine
African Penguin
Hand Sculpted and Painted Ceramic African Penguin...
Hairy Woodpecker
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Hairy Woodpecker...
Hand Painted Black Capped Chickadee Clay Bird Figurine
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Hand Sculpted Ceramic Ruby-Throated...
Blue Jay
Hand Painted Blue Jay Ceramic Bird Figurine from Guatemala
Artisan Crafted Robin Clay Bird Figurine from Guatemala
Lazuli Bunting
Ceramic Figurine of a Lazuli Bunting Bird from Guatemala
Red-Tailed Hawk
Guatemalan Handmade Red-Tailed Hawk Ceramic Bird...
Green Tree of Doves
Hand-Painted Ceramic Dove Tree Sculpture in...
Keel-Billed Toucan
Ceramic Figurine of a Keel-Billed Toucan from...
Chicken Family
Set of 3 Hand-painted Chicken Themed Ceramic Figurines
Green Chulucanas Sentinel
Chulucanas Ceramic Owl Figurine in Green...
Anna's Hummingbird
Handcrafted Red-Headed Anna's Hummingbird Ceramic...
Hand Sculpted, Hand Painted Ceramic Kingfisher Figurine
Mango Hummingbird
Guatemalan Handmade Mango Hummingbird Ceramic Bird...
Helmeted Woodpecker
Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Helmeted Woodpecker...
Wild Moche Duck
Peru Archaeology Moche Duck Replica Decorative Clay...
Blue-Throated Hummingbird
Handcrafted Blue-Throated Hummingbird...
Chestnut-Backed Chickadee
Ceramic Figurine of a Chestnut-Backed...
Jacobin Hummingbird
Guatemalan Handmade Jacobin Hummingbird Clay...
Delightful Tecolote
Ceramic Owl Figurine in Blue Hand-Painted in...
Woodland Friend
Wide-Eyed Owl with Blue Celadon Glaze from Thailand
Wise Tecolote
Ceramic Owl Figurine in Green Hand-Painted in Guatemala
King Penguin
Hand Sculpted and Painted Ceramic King Penguin Figurine
Patient Wisdom
Handcrafted Ceramic Green Owls (Set of Two)
Baltimore Oriole
Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Baltimore Oriole Figurine
Black Starling
Guatemalan Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Starling Figurine
Cherished Dove
Hand-Painted Floral Ceramic Dove Sculpture from Mexico
Lilac-Crowned Parrot
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Lilac-Crowned...
Acorn Woodpecker
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Acorn Woodpecker...
Burrowing Owl
Hand Made Burrowing Owl Ceramic Bird Figurine from...
Violet-Crowned Hummingbird
Ceramic Violet-Crowned Hummingbird...
Steller's Jay
Hand-sculpted Hand-painted Ceramic Steller's Jay Figurine
Altamira Oriole
Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Altamira Oriole Figurine
Moche Prisoner
Peru Archaeology Moche Prisoner Replica Clay Vessel
Traditional Tecolote
Owl-shaped Yellow Ceramic Figurine Handcrafted...
Goose Family
Set of 3 Goose Ceramic Figurines from Guatemala
Grey Catbird
Guatemalan Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Catbird Figurine
Red Hummingbird Family
Set of 3 Hummingbird-shaped Hand-painted...
Green-Winged Teal
Hand-painted Ceramic Duck Patio Sculpture From...
Majestic Tree in Red
Hand-Painted Floral Ceramic Dove Tree Sculpture...
Ethereal Hummingbird
Painted Bird Ceramic Figurine Handcrafted in...
Cardinal Family
Set of 3 Hand-painted Cardinal-themed Ceramic Figurines
Great Kiskadee
Guatemalan Handcrafted Posable Ceramic Kiskadee Figurine
Inquisitive Bald Eagle
Hand Sculpted, Hand Painted Ceramic Bald...
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
Hand Sculpted Ceramic Ivory-Billed...
Painted Ceramic Figurine of a Woodpecker from Guatemala
Pileated Woodpecker'
Guatemalan Handcrafted Posable Ceramic...
Adventurous Tecolote
Purple Owl-shaped Ceramic Figurine Handcrafted...
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Hand Sculpted Ceramic Lesser Spotted...
Crested Caracara
Hand Sculpted, Painted Ceramic Crested Caracara...
Yellow-Headed Parrot
Hand Sculpted Ceramic Yellow Headed Parrot...
Little Light Blue Owls
Hand Made Celadon Ceramic Owl Figurines from...
Orchard Oriole
Ceramic Figurine of an Orchard Oriole Bird from...
Chiang Rai Ducklings
Celadon Ceramic Figurines (Set of 4)
Charming Tecolote
Ceramic Owl Figurine in White Hand-Painted in...
Pair of Nahuales
Peacock-Themed Ceramic Nahual Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Bunting
Guatemala Handcrafted Ceramic Rustic Bunting Bird...
Saffron Finch
Hand-sculpted Hand-painted Ceramic Saffron Finch Figurine
Umbrella Cockatoo
Artisan Crafted Ceramic White Cockatoo Sculpture
Red-Winged Blackbird
Ceramic Figurine of a Red-Winged Blackbird from...