Handsome Balinese Man
Hand Carved Wood Sculpture Bust of Man from...
Balinese Beauty
Hand Carved Wood Sculpture Bust of Woman from Indonesia
Right Togog
Handcrafted Sandstone Sculpture of Togog from Bali
Left Togog
Hand-Carved Sandstone Sculpture of Togog from Bali
Ketut Jepun
Artisan Carved Sandstone Statuette
Man in Love
Sandstone sculpture
Indonesian Art Wood Sculpture of Rama Hindu Legend Carving
A Girl's Daydream
Hand Carved Sandstone Sculpture
Nyoman Ayu
Hand Carved Sandstone Statuette
Sleeping Man
Whistling Man
Unique Stone Sculpture
Flower Girl
Elaborately Carved Wood Sculpture of Sita from Bali