Majestic Heron
Hand-Painted Wood Alebrije Heron Sculpture from Mexico
My Owl Protector
Colorful Handcrafted Wood Statuette
Hummingbird Visits a Cactus
Hummingbird and Barrel Cactus Wood...
Fiery Eagle
Copal Wood Alebrije Eagle Figurine Painted in Red and Blue
Flirty Hen
Hen Alebrije Figurine
Pair of Nahuales
Peacock-Themed Ceramic Nahual Sculpture from Mexico
Joyful Hummingbird
Wood Hanging Alebrije Hummingbird Sculpture in...
Striking Rooster
Hand-Carved & Hand Painted Wood Rooster Alebrije...
Colorful Hummingbird
Multi Color Hummingbird Alebrije Sculpture...
Cherished Dove
Hand-Painted Floral Ceramic Dove Sculpture from Mexico
Colorful Peacock
Hand-Painted Alebrije Wood Peacock Sculpture from...
Audacious Hen
Handmade Hen Alebrije Sculpture
Happy Huichol Hen
Handmade Huichol Folk Art Beadwork Bird Sculpture
Ocotlan Owl
Multicolored Owl Alebrije
Cheerful Hummingbird