Bookworm Elephant
Sculpture of an Elephant Reading a Book...
Noble Eagle
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Eagle Sculpture from Bali
Yoga Boston Terrier in Brown
Yoga Meditation Brown Boston Terrier...
Strength of the Mystic
Handcrafted Wooden Sculpture from Bali and Java
Single Prop Yoga
Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
Kiss Me Quick!
Handcrafted Indonesian Romantic Wood Sculpture
Obedient Dog
Wood Sculpture of a Pointy-Eared Dog from Bali
Coconut Trees
Hand-Carved Wood Coconut Tree Statuette from Bali
Comforting Angel
Handmade Suar Wood Statuette with Angel Motif
Yoga Circle of Love
Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Love Bond
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture with Modern Loving Couple
Three Wise Monkeys
Tree Frog
Indonesian Handcarved Wood Figurine
Wedding Day
Natural Suar Wood Romantic Sculpture from Bali
Buddha's Charm
Balinese Hand Carved Laughing Buddha Wood Sculpture
Romantic Owls
Hand Carved Jempinis and Benalu Wood Owl Sculpture
Barong Dances
Artisan Crafted Wood Statuette
Dachshund Puppy
Handmade Suar Wood Dachshund Statuette
Chimp at the Wheel
Suar Wood Monkey Sculpture
Couple in Love
Wood sculpture
Unique Hand Carved Suar Wood Sculpture
Stallion Bust
Suar Wood Horse Bust Sculpture from Bali
Swan Romance
Romantic Suar Wood Swan Sculpture
Mushroom Bowl
Handblown Glass and Wood Mushroom Sculpture
Funny Brown Hen
Artisan Hand Carved Brown Wood Chicken Sculpture
Vanilla Duck
Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck Sculpture in Vanilla
Jungle King
Suar Wood Lion Sculpture Hand-Carved in Bali
Holy Duo
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of Vishnu from Bali
Stomping Duck in Black
Black Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck...
Java Rhino
Hand Carved Wood Sculpture of a Rhinoceros from Indonesia
Perched Eagle
Artisan Crafted Suar Wood Eagle Sculpture
Relaxed Happy Buddha
Artisan Crafted Wood Sculpture of Happy Buddha...
Loving Spirit
Unique Indonesian Handcrafted Sculpture
Angel Fish Kiss
Jempinis Wood Angel Fish Sculpture
Romantic Wood Sculpture