Hatchling Dragon
Hand Carved Suar Wood Balinese Dragon Sculpture
Elephant Magnificence
Hand-Carved Kadam Wood Sculpture of an...
Focused Owl
Hand-Carved Hibiscus Wood Sculpture of a Focused Owl
Powerful Eagle
Wood Bird Sculpture
On Daddy's Back
Abstract Wood Sculpture
Gallant Dragon
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Dragon Sculpture from Bali
Canary Love
Hand-Carved Jempinis Wood Canary Love Nest Sculpture
Sacred Hippo
Artisan Crafted Wood Sculpture
Buddha Semedi
Hand-Carved Hibiscus Wood Buddha Sculpture from Indonesia
Dancing Frog
Whimsical Artisan Carved Balinese Dancing Frog
Handcrafted Balinese Suar Wood Meditating Buddha Statuette
Peaceful Ganesha
Wood sculpture
Contemplative Buddha
Handcrafted Wooden Buddha Sculpture from Indonesia
Ebony Wood Panther Hand Carved by African Artisan
Attentive Friend
Handcrafted Dachshund Sculpture
Mom and Infant
Natural Suar Wood Mother and Child Sculpture from Bali
Lucky Thai Elephants
Wood statuettes (Pair)
Hand Made Thought and Meditation Wood Sculpture
Vigilant Owl
Antiqued Wood Bird Statuette Carved by Hand in India
Watching Gecko
Hand Carved Wood Sculpture of a Gecko from Indonesia
Buddha's Journey
Unique Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Wrapped in Love
Hand Carved Indonesian Family Sculpture
Giraffe Family
Hand Carved and Painted Giraffe Sculpture from Africa
Tiger Milk Mushroom
Hand Made Jempinis Wood Mushroom Statuette
Begging Dog
Hand-Carved Suar Wood and Onyx Dog Sculpture from Bali
Ocean Hunter
Jempinis Wood Hammerhead Shark Sculpture from Bali
Crescent Pair
Romantic Handcrafted Suar Wood Statuette
Mother, Father, Child
Fair Trade Wood Sculpture
Artful Balance
Wood Yoga Cat Sculpture
Flying Eagle
Unique Wood Bird Sculpture
Dark Brown Elephants
Cedar Wood Elephant Figurines from Peru (Pair)
Respectful Rhino
Raintree Wood Rhinoceros Sculpture from Thailand
Coconut Trees
Hand-Carved Wood Coconut Tree Statuette from Bali
Rain Boot Duck
Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck Sculpture from Bali
Strike a Pose
Hand Carved Wooden Feline Figure
Swimming Duck
Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Swimming Duck Sculpture
Stingray Swimmers
Hand Carved Jempinis Wood Stingray Sculpture
Powerful Emotion
Fair Trade Handcrafted Romantic Sculpture
Asana Cat
Handpainted Wooden Sculpture
Realistic Signed Hand Carved Sculpture of an Orangutan
Yoga Circle of Love
Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Mushroom Cluster
Hand Carved Jempinis Wood Mushroom Sculpture
Elephants on Parade
Ebony Wood Elephant Sculpture (Set of 5)
Sensuous Mermaid
Hand-Carved Sensuous Ocean Mermaid Wood Sculpture
Inquisitive Brown Bear
Hand Carved Wood Statuette of Standing Brown...
Nature Trip
Handmade Teak Wood Elephant Sculpture from Thailand
See No Evil Siamese Cat
Handcrafted Albesia Wood Sculpture
Language of Love
Handcarved Wood Two Monkey's Statuette
Balinese Cat
Wood Kitty Sculpture from Indonesia
Spiritual Man
Suar Wood Buddha Sculpture
Suar Wood Family Sculpture
Song of Siam
Handcrafted Wooden Floral Sculpture
A Mother's Arms
Unique Wood Mother and Child Sculpture from Indonesia
Magnanimous Ganesha
Wood statuette
Everlasting Love
Contoured Wood Sculpture Featuring Loving Family
Praying Shiva
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Shiva Sculpture from Indonesia
Savannah Trek
Hand Crafted Teak Wood Elephant Sculpture (Left)
Enlightened Buddha
Meditative Suar Wood Buddha Sculpture from Indonesia
Strong Rhino
Hand Carved Raintree Wood Rhino Sculpture from Thailand
Little Hippo
Jempinis Wood Hippo-Themed Statuette
Outdoor Cat
Artisan Made Suar Wood Cat Statuette
Strength of the Mystic
Handcrafted Wooden Sculpture from Bali and Java
Holding Hope
Hand Made Hibiscus Wood Moon Sculpture
Baby Matsya Fish
Hand Carved Jempinis Wood Fish Statuette
Koi Fish Couple
Handmade Jempinis Wood Koi Fish Sculpture
Fierce Dragon
Detailed Wood Sculpture of Fierce Dragon from Bali
Buddha Peace
Hand Crafted Balinese Suar Wood Buddha Meditation...
Yoga Boston Terrier in Brown
Yoga Meditation Brown Boston Terrier...
Noble Eagle
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Eagle Sculpture from Bali
Mushroom Field
Jempinise Wood Mushroom Sculpture from Bali
Mystical Romance
A Loving Moment Captured in Glowing Wood
Lovina Dolphins
Suar Wood Dolphin Sculpture from Bali
Dragonfly in the Sun
Mushroom-Shaped Wood Sculpture with Colorful...
Wedding Anniversary
Modern Wood Sculpture of Couple Hand-Carved in Bali
Loving Family
Hand Made Abstract Wood Sculpture
Little Heart
Heart-Shaped Suar Wood Sculpture by Balinese Artisans
Elephant Majesty
Fair Trade Hand Carved Wood Elephant Sculpture from...
Begging Hare
Hand Made Wood Sculpture of a Rabbit from Indonesia
Balinese Wedding Couple
Hand Carved Suar Wood Balinese Couple...
Saraswati Plays
Hand Crafted Kadam Wood Saraswati Sculpture
Thoughtful Reader
Sese Wood Sculpture of a Reading Person from Ghana
Angel's Blessing
Balinese Hibiscus Wood Sculpture with Angel Motif