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Birthstone Silver Necklaces

675 items

Cultured pearl Y-necklace, 'Sumatra Soiree' - Cultured pearl Y-necklace

Sumatra Soiree

Cultured pearl Y-necklace

5.0 (Diah Arini)
$99.99 $84.99

Lapis lazuli strand necklace, 'Regal Blue' - Lapis Lazuli Strand Necklace

The Blue Marble

Lapis Lazuli Strand Necklace

5.0 (Narayannii)
$109.99 $93.49

Amethyst pendant necklace, 'Perfect Plum' - Amethyst pendant necklace

Perfect Plum

Amethyst pendant necklace

4.9 (Alok Jain)
$69.99 $62.99

Lapis lazuli strand necklace, 'Royal Diva' - Lapis lazuli strand necklace

Royal Diva

Lapis lazuli strand necklace

5.0 (Narayannii)
$94.99 $80.74

Carnelian strand necklace, 'Passion's Glow' - Modern Carnelian Necklace

Passion's Glow

Modern Carnelian Necklace

5.0 (Narayannii)
$79.99 $67.99

Moss agate pendant necklace, 'Forest Moss' - Moss Agate Necklace

Forest Moss

Moss Agate Necklace

4.9 (Alok Jain)
$107.99 $91.79

Amethyst pendant necklace, 'Arak Mystery' - Amethyst pendant necklace

Arak Mystery

Amethyst pendant necklace

4.9 (Sukartini)
$99.99 $89.99

Pearl pendant necklace, 'Excellence' - Pearl pendant necklace


Pearl pendant necklace

4.9 (Buana)
$69.99 $62.99
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