Fantasy Rain in Deep Blue
Glass Beaded Waterfall Necklace in Deep...
Ebony and Ivory
Pearl and Quartz Beads on Silver Thai Necklace
Fantasy Rain in Blue
Glass Beaded Waterfall Necklace in Blue from...
Horse Profile
Ebony Wood Horse Pendant Necklace from Ghana
Drop of Life in Green
Drop-Shaped Tree-Themed Natural Peridot...
Fantastic Frida
Frida-Themed Glass Beaded Pendant Necklace from Mexico
Purple Power
Agate and Amethyst Floral Pendant Necklace
Cascade in Black
Handmade Black Crystal and Glass Beaded Waterfall...
Love Your Magical Nature
Nature-Themed Polished Multi-Gemstone...
Boho Elegance in Red-Orange
Carnelian Beaded Strand Necklace from...
Fascinating Cluster
Agate and Cultured Pearl Beaded Cluster Pendant...
Multi-Gemstone Beaded Cluster Pendant Necklace...
Natural Feeling in Blue
Adjustable Natural Orchid Necklace in Blue...
Love Your Nature
Nature-Themed Brown Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace
Symphony of Color in Grey
Grey and Clear Beaded Waterfall Necklace
Nature's Rainbow Diamond
Diamond-Shaped Tree-Themed Multi-Gemstone...
Proud Bull
Ebony Wood Bull Pendant Necklace from Ghana
Fire Harmony
Earthy Hues Glass Beaded Torsade Necklace from Guatemala
Cobalt Talavera Heart
Gold-Plated Papier Mache Talavera Style Blue...
Fantasy Rain in Sky Blue
Glass Beaded Waterfall Necklace in Sky Blue...
Boho Elegance in Pink
Pink Quartz and Agate Beaded Strand Necklace...