By dorky
scarves, scarf, multi-colored, indigenous, natural fibers, artisan

By Csheila
Investigator (history, politics, jewelry, and anti

Up in the Woods
By Mholland
This curator from US has made 15 collections and has been a member since 2015.


Beautiful Blue
By LtTawnyMadison
For people like me whose favorite color is blue!

Mano a Mano
By srm
Keep your hands warm this winter with handmade gloves all the way from Peru.

I Feel Pretty
By Missy
Everyone loves to feel pretty, right? I curated this collection of items that I think would make me...read more

Tears of the Innocent
By onewhogives
Tears from the innocent children, the innocent animals, the innocent people that endure unspeakable...read more

Mexican Magic..New Year's Eve at le Parroquia
By Mary Kristina
I spent Christmas 2004 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and celebrated New Year's Eve on the...read more

By Serendipity
Retired, art, animals, nature, science

Liunatic Fringe
By Liunatic Fringe
In honor of UNICEF Ambassador Lucy Liu's upcoming bday, snag a gift for yourself inspired by her...read more

United Thru Fashion
By MexiCANDream91
United WE Stand - Make a Fashion Statement of Freedom, Unity, Love, Life. A celebration of global...read more

By Angelena D’Antuono
Leaving my footprints in the sand while enriching the lives of others