Romantically Inclined
Amethyst Locket Necklace on Cable Chain
The Secret in Red
Garnet cabochon Locket Sterling Silver Cocktail Ring
Garnet Love
Garnet and Sterling Silver Heart Locket Necklace
Secret Sunset
Sterling Silver Locket Ring with Carnelian Cabochon
Secret Stone
Rainbow Moonstone and Sterling Silver Locket Necklace
The Secret in White
Rainbow Moonstone Locket Sterling Silver...
Floral Secret
Sterling Silver and Amethyst Locket Necklace from Bali
Gianyar Grace
Amethyst and Sterling Silver Locket Pendant Necklace
Light the Lantern
Amethyst and Sterling Silver Locket Necklace
Balance and Calm
Artisan Crafted Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace