Exuberant Bouquet
Thai Floral Hill Tribe 950 Silver Beaded Pendant...
Summer Petals
Warm and Green-Toned Floral Multi-Gemstone Beaded...
Nature's Rainbow Diamond
Diamond-Shaped Tree-Themed Multi-Gemstone...
India Lapis Lazuli Necklace
Ethereal Season
Leafy and Flower-Themed Silver Beaded Pendant Necklace
Exotic Bouquet
Floral & Leaf Hill Tribe 950 Silver Beaded Pendant...
Dulcet Petals
Artisan-Made Floral Pink Quartz and Glass Beaded Necklace
Paradisial Petals
Blue and Pink Spring-Themed Quartz and Glass...
Lapis Leaf
Hand Made Lapis Lazuli and Silver Pendant Necklace
Drop of Life in Green
Drop-Shaped Tree-Themed Natural Peridot...
Clear Night
Agate and Smoky Quartz Leaf Pendant Necklace
Sylvan Blue
Tree-Themed Blue Lapis Lazuli and Quartz Pendant Necklace