Sacred Tree
Leather Cord Necklace with Bone Tree of Life Pendant
Begampur Leaf
Hand Crafted Sterling Leaf Pendant Necklace
Agate Tree of Life
Agate Gemstone Tree Scorpio Pendant Necklace from...
Blue Talavera Heart
Gold-Plated Papier Mache Talavera Style Heart...
Drop of Life in Green
Drop-Shaped Tree-Themed Natural Peridot...
Love Your Magical Nature
Nature-Themed Polished Multi-Gemstone...
Lapis Leaf
Hand Made Lapis Lazuli and Silver Pendant Necklace
Love Your Nature
Nature-Themed Brown Multi-Gemstone Pendant Necklace
Sylvan Blue
Tree-Themed Blue Lapis Lazuli and Quartz Pendant Necklace
Nature's Rainbow Diamond
Diamond-Shaped Tree-Themed Multi-Gemstone...
Gemini Tree of Life
Tiger's Eye Gemstone Tree Pendant Necklace from...
Tree Corona
Rose Gold Accented Tree Pendant Necklace from Thailand