By Seabreeze
I love things with all sorts of colors. Rainbows are the perfect collection of complimentary colors...read more

Dreamy Days
Silver, moonstone, and dream-inspiring jewelry for yourself... or someone special... that will...read more

Flowers of Gems
By Manasa
Art of using gems to represent flowers.

Beautiful Blue
By LtTawnyMadison
For people like me whose favorite color is blue!

For mature women
By Quagmilia
Your mom or maybe your boss would like these

Ella Grace
By Kimevinc
The Silver Lining: A beautiful collection of rings from Artists all over the world.

B & E
By Kimevinc
Girl Time: In the spirit of shopping and having a blast with your Best Friend, this collection is...read more

Freedom Collection 2023
By MexiCANDream91
My Freedom Quest | Freedom Manifesto - Stop Human Trafficking - Human Dignity for ALL colors,...read more

My Uniqueness
By Lyzzard
This collection is what I personally enjoy as well as gifts I have gifted to friends.

Spark joy - rings
By Adnama
Rings I like
Me: middle aged demigirl in Texas