Rustic Androgyny
Iron sculpture
Rustic Jazz Trombone
Auto part sculpture
Rustic Eye Exam
Artisan Crafted Recycled Metal Rustic Optometrist...
Musician Reimagined
Upcycled Car Parts Make Music in Scupture
Road Warrior Bike
Recycled Metal Motorcycle Sculpture from Mexico
The Saxophonist
Upcycled Car Parts Sculpture
Rustic Weightlifter
Handcrafted Athlete Recycled Metal Sculpture Mexico
Rustic Locomotive
Rustic Locomotive Recycled Metal Sculpture
Cooking Up a Storm
Chef at a Stove Crafted in Upcycled Material
Rustic Professor
Collectible Recycled Car Parts and Metal Sculpture...
Syncopating Rhythm
Upcycled Metal Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Heroic Quixote
Rustic Don Quixote Mexico Recycled Metal Auto...
Nocturne Reimagined
Upcycled Aluminum Sculpture from Mexico
Rock and Roll Band
Rustic Recycled Metal Rock Musicians Sculpture...
Formula One Car
Recycled Metal Auto Part Formula One Car Sculpture
Rustic Lovers
Artisan Crafted Romantic Recycled Metal Sculpture
Rustic Cantina
Upcycled Metal and Car Parts Bar Scene Sculpture from...
Rustic Gardener
Handmade Rustic Metal Auto Parts Gardener Sculpture
Mighty Rustic Elephant
Rustic Recycled Auto Parts Elephant Sculpture
Mechanical Farmer
Mexican Handcrafted Recycled Auto Parts Farm...
Romantic Swing
Eco-Friendly Recycled Auto Part Statuette of Couple...
Rustic Camera
Mexico Eco Friendly Recycled Metal Camera Sculpture
Unique Recycled Metal Rustic Train Sculpture (11...
Rustic Robot Hand
Mexico Handcrafted Recycled Metal Sculpture
Deer Dance
Upcycled Metal Auto Part Sculpture from Mexico
Romance by Moonlight
Eco-Friendly Recycled Metal Sculpture
Owl on a Branch
Recycled Auto Part Sculpture of an Owl from Mexico
Rustic Drum Solo
Eco-friendly Rustic Drummer Metal Sculpture
Rustic Standard Motorbike
Handcrafted Rustic Sculpture of Recycled...
Hard-Working Executive
Upcycled Metal and Auto Parts Sculpture from...
Mechanical Deer
Recycled Metal Auto Part Deer Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Artist at Work
Handcrafted Recycled Metal and Auto Part...
Afternoon Romance
Artisan Recycled Metal Sculpture with Rustic Finish
Handcrafted Helicopter Sculpture of Recycled Auto Parts
Quarterback Snap
Football Players Recycled Auto Part Metal Sculpture
Rustic Barber
Rustic Metal Sculpture of Barber from Mexico
Affectionate Lovers
Recycled Auto Parts Lovers Figurine Handmade in...
Handcrafted Upcycled Metal Auto Parts Sculpture from Mexico
Mighty Shark
Recycled Auto Parts Shark Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Surveyor
Unique Rustic Surveyor Metal Sculpture
Rustic Cement Mixer
Recycled Auto Part Rustic Cement Mixer Sculpture...
Rustic Bulldozer Digger
Unique Recycled Metal and Car Parts...
Guitar Glory
Handcrafted Recycled Auto Parts Guitar Sculpture
Rustic Baby Rhino
Recycled Auto Part Small Baby Rhino Sculpture from...
Rustic Biplane
Hand Crafted Recycled Metal Rustic Mexico Sculpture
Rustic Infusion Nurse
Rustic Auto Parts Sculpture of Infusion Nurse
Owl Lookout
Hand Crafted Owl Metal Sculpture
Faithful Maintenance
Fair Trade Metal Car and Driver Sculpture
Sax on the Corner
Auto Part and Recycled Metal Musician Sculpture
Cobra Pose II
Rustic Auto Parts Sculpture of Yoga Pose
Rustic Poodle
Eco Friendly Recycled Metal Poodle Sculpture
Tennis Champ
Upcycled Metal and Auto Parts Tennis Sculpture
Recycled Metal Sculpture of Eve
Rustic Photographer
Handcrafted Photographer Recycled Auto Part...
Rustic Horse
Minimalist Rustic Metal Horse Sculpture
Rustic Anesthesiologist
Hand Crafted Rustic Anesthesiologist Sculpture
Rustic Movie Projector
Handmade Rustic Movie Projector Sculpture
Iron Horse
Upcycled Metal Motorcycle Horse Sculpture from Mexico
In love Under the Rain
Handmade Eco-Friendly Romantic Upcycled Auto...
Mighty Aztec Eagle
Unique Handcrafted Upcycled Metal Eagle Bird...
Recycled Auto Parts Elephant Figurine Handmade in Mexico
Rustic Police Officer
Upcycled Metal and Auto Part Police Officer...
Kitty Cat
Handcrafted Recycled Metal Cat Sculpture from Mexico
Handy Carpenter
Carpenter at Work Recycled Metal Figurine from Mexico
Angel on High
Handmade Angel and Moon Metal Sculpture
Ecological Morning
Handcrafted Recycled Scrap Metal Statuette of Man...
Rustic Guitar Serenade
Rustic Auto Part Eco-Friendly Sculpture of a...
Sitting Cat
Upcycled Metal Auto Part Cat Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Truck
Eco-Friendly Recycled Metal Semi Truck Sculpture
Eco Friendly Quixote
Recycled Metal and Auto Part Don Quixote Sculpture
Rustic Loader
Rustic Metal Eco Art Loader Sculpture
Rustic Tarantula
Eco-Friendly Upcycled Metal Spider Sculpture from...
Rustic Plane
Recycled Auto Part Plane Sculpture from Mexico
Recycled Metal Auto Part Artist Sculpture from Mexico
Rustic Relaxation
Mexican Handcrafted Rustic Sculpture from Recycled...
Fierce Panther
Eco Friendly Mexican Recycled Auto Part Panther...
Upcycled Metal Auto Part Sculpture of a Baker from Mexico
Artisan Crafted Upcycled Metal Statuette of T-Rex
Rustic Horsepower
20 Inch Rustic Motorbike Horse Upcycled Auto Parts...
Rustic Nutritionist
Rustic Recycled Auto Part Sculpture of a...
Recycled Auto Part Statuette of A Tailor Handmade in Mexico
Capture the Moon
Angel-themed Recycled Metal Sculpture
Rustic Cyclist
Original Iron Bicycle Statuette Recyled Car Parts Mexico
Rustic Jeep
Recycled Auto Parts Rustic Jeep Sculpture