Woman with Dogs
Hand-Painted Ceramic Sculpture of a Woman with Dogs
Pet Lover
Hand Crafted Animal Lover Ceramic Sculpture
Garden Owl
Hand Painted Colorful Ceramic Owl with Doves and Flowers
Owl of Flowers
Hand-Painted Floral Ceramic Owl Wall Sculpture from...
Woman with Cats in Green
Ceramic Cat Woman Sculpture in Green from...
Night Bird
Handcrafted Majolica Ceramic Owl Creamer from Mexico
Nahua Doves
Colorful Handcrafted Ceramic Vase from Mexico
Owl Omen
Mexican Archaeology Inspired Ceramic Owl Incense Holder
Talavera Dog
Talavera Style Dog-Themed Ceramic Planter from Mexico
Pair of Nahuales
Peacock-Themed Ceramic Nahual Sculpture from Mexico
Animal Lover
Whimsical Animal Lover Ceramic Sculpture
Passionate Owl
Floral Ceramic Owl Wall Sculpture in Red from Mexico
Hummingbird-Themed Ceramic Serving Bowl
Festive Frog
Mexican Ceramic Talavera-Style Frog Wall Sculpture
Lizard Fun
Hand Painted Mexican Ceramic Wall Art Lizards (Set of 3)
Hand Crafted Ceramic Cups and Saucers (Pair)
Owl Hospitality
Artisan Crafted Majolica Ceramic Bird Mugs (Pair)
Hand-Painted Hummingbird-Themed Plates (Pair)
Black Fish
Hand-Painted Ceramic Fish Wall Art from Mexico