Flying Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds Reverse Painted Glass Jewelry Box...
Saint Francis
Wood Statuette of St Francis of Assisi with Animals
Songye Kwifibe
African Protection Spirit Wall Mask Artisan Crafted...
Colorful Sankofa
Two Wood and Recycled Glass Adinkra Sankofa Bird...
Nature's Glory
Flora and Fauna Cedar and Leather Jewelry Box with...
Solidarity and Unity
World Peace Project Hand Painted Reverse Glass...
Turtle Mom Taxi
Green and Blue Oaxacan Mother Turtle Alebrije with...
Mandarin Thought
Hand Carved Wood Duck Sculpture
Guro Elephant I
Original West African Decorative Wooden Elephant Mask
Black Chihuahua
Signed Multicolored Wood Chihuahua Alebrije
Iconic Bald Eagle
Suar and Teak Wood Eagle Sculpture Hand-Carved in...
Rainbow Macaws
Multi Color Birds on Tree Sculpture in Mahogany and...
Guro Elephant II
Hand Carved Guro Elephant Mask Made in West Africa
Bicycle Cat
Hand Painted Alebrije Cat Figurine
Protective Cats
Decoupage Cats Jewelry Box from Mexico
Watchful Rooster
Multi-Color Wood Decorative Box with Rooster...
Lover Birds
Signed Handmade Bird Art from India
Colorful Squirrel
Handcrafted Oaxacan Wood Alebrije
Adinkra Elephant
Hand Carved Adinkra Symbol Sese Wood Folding Table
New Day
Hand Crafted Wood Rooster Folk Art Mask
Festive Elephant
Hand Made Wood Relief Panel Elephant Mask
Djembe Elephant Drum
Ghanaian Elephant Drum
Guatemalan Marvels
Hand-Painted Floral Wood Wolf Mask from Guatemala
School of Fishes
Ghana Hand Crafted and Painted Sese Wood Fish...
Elephant Themed Wood Mask with Brass and Glass Beads
Rainbow Iguana
Hand Crafted Mexican Folk Art Yellow Lizard Sculpture
Panther Realm
Wood Panther Sculpture with Elephant and Bird Beadwork
Feathered Friends
Hand Carved Wood Bird Mobile
Lotus Axolotl
Colorful Axolotl Alebrije Figurine from Mexico
Dancing Bird
West African Hand Crafted Sese Wood and Brass Plated Mask
Elegant Hummingbirds
Multicolor Cedar Wood and Leather Jewelry Box...
Standing Jaguar
Artisan Crafted Oaxacan Alebrije
Deep Contemplation
Hand Carved Wood Sculpture of Monk from Indonesia
Magical Rabbit
Copal Wood Rabbit Alebrije Figurine from Mexico
Peacock Garden
Colorful Bird and Nature-Inspired Leather and Wood Table
Mythic Bull
Hand-Carved Wood Alebrije Bull Sculpture from Mexico
Handmade Mexico Huichol Nierika Rabbit Deer Beadwork