Delightful Piñatas
Ceramic Piñata Ornaments with Striped Points (Pair)
Saint Martin de Porres
Handmade Wood Retablo Sculpture
Fiery Piñatas
Colorful Ceramic Piñata Ornaments from Mexico (Pair)
Chicha Penacho
Talavera-Style Ceramic Aztec Mask Crafted in Mexico
Jolly Ekeko
Painted Floral Ekeko Sculpture with Wool Cap from Peru
Andean Dream Catcher
Hand-Painted Ceramic Dream Catcher Wall Art...
Night Bird
Handcrafted Majolica Ceramic Owl Creamer from Mexico
Talavera Orb
Talavera-Style Ceramic Decorative Figurine from Mexico
Small Hand Painted Planter
Women of the Highlands
Ceramic plate
Unique Hand Painted Plant Pot
Women of the Andes
Hand Painted Decorative Plate