Blue-Toned Signed Expressionist Acrylic Cat Painting
Signed Expressionist Painting of Leaves in Blue from India
Pious Ganesha
Signed Expressionist Painting of Ganesha from India
Buddha At Peace
Expressionist Painting of Buddha in Orange from India
The Cross
Traditional Armenian-Made Khachkar Cross Acrylic Painting
Mystic Woman
Masked Acrylic Portrait Painting on Canvas
Fishing Fantasy
Signed Expressionist Painting in Blue and Green from...
Original Fine Art Portrait Painting
Signed Original Painting from Bali
Burning Spirit
Oil and Acrylic Dance Painting on Canvas
Golden Prison
Oil and Acrylic Figure Painting on Canvas
Cool Buddha
Buddha-Themed Acrylic and Oil Painting on Canvas
The Holy Dalai Lama
Signed Portrait Painting on Canvas
The Man Named Genghis Khan
Expressionist Oil and Acrylic Painting on...
Inner Beauty
Signed Javanese Figure Painting on Canvas
Women For Your Daughter
Light Your Way
Oil and Acrylic Portrait Painting on Canvas
Union III
Original Red and Blue Expressionist Painting from India
Floral Blossom
Brown and Red Expressionist Painting of a Person and...
Signed Acrylic Expressionist Portrait
Abstract Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Hindu-Themed Acrylic Painting from India
Bird Paradise
Acrylic Painting from India with Bird Motif
Bull Power
Acrylic Painting on Canvas with Bull Motif
Peaceful Ganesha
Modern Espressionist Painting of Ganesha from India
Royal Ganesha I
Signed Expressionist Painting of the Hindu God Ganesha
Ganesha and the Moon
Signed Hindu Ganesha Painting from India
Ekadanta Ganapati
Multimedia Expressionist Painting of Lord Ganesha
The Enlightened Buddha
Blue and Yellow Original Signed Portrait of...
The Great Maha Kali
Original Stylized Painting of the Goddess Kali
At One with Nature
Modern Expressionist Painting from India
Chakra Meditation I
Surreal Indian Signed Fine Art Painting
Signed Original 11 by 14 Expressionist Painting from India
Music Meditation--Divine...
Multicolored Acrylic Expressionist...
Expressionist Painting of a Face in Orange from India
Pure Love II
Romantic Expressionist Portrait Painting from India
Moods II
Expressionist Painting of Faces from India
Pure Love
Expressionist Angular Painting of Faces from India
Multicolored Expressionist Painting of a Blue Face India
Incarnation of Vishnu - Matsya
Acrylic Expressionist Painting of...
Orange Bull Painting on Canvas
Mighty Bull
Patterned Bull Painting on Canvas
Thought Process
Signed Abstract Acrylic Painting from India
Signed Abstract Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Lanka Dahan
Red Abstract Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Blessing of Ganesha
Ganesha-Themed Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Fragrance II
Semi-Abstract Acrylic Painting from India
Blue Acrylic Portrait Painting from India
Bull-Themed Indian Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Signed Acrylic Painting with Bull Motif
Indian Acrylic Buffalo Painting on Canvas
Indian Acrylic Painting with Bird Motif
Radha and Krishna
Radha and Krishna Painting on Canvas
Krishna & Radha
Signed Expressionist Krishna and Radha Painting from...
Divine Love
Signed Expressionist Painting of Radha and Krishna
Nature's Creation
Signed Expressionist Rooster and Horse Painting...
Royal Ganesha II
Srishti Ganapati
Multimedia Expressionist Ganesha Painting in Brown
Signed Hindu Painting of Lord Ganesha from India
Calm Ganesha
Colorful Expressionist Painting of Lord Ganesha from India
Bala Ganesha
Expressionist Ganesha Painting in Orange from India
Lord of Obstacles
Green and Orange Expressionist Ganesha Painting...
Ganesha - Playing Drum
Music-Themed Expressionist Ganesha Painting...
Dvimukha Ganapati
Beige Expressionist Painting of Ganesha from India
Lalitasana (Sitting Posture)
Signed Multimedia Expressionist Ganesha...
Incarnation of Vishnu
Expressionist Painting of Vishnu with Peacock...
Music Meditation II
Music-Themed Abstract Mixed Media Paintings...
Signed Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Khayangan Tiga Temple
World Peace Project Signed Unstretched Painting
On the Way to the Market III
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two...
Back Home
Signed Landscape Painting of a Woman Among Palms
The Hunter
Expressionist Painting of a Hunter Among Palm Trees
Pot Sellers
Expressionist Painting of Two Women with Pots on Their...