Buddha's Happiness
Original Thai Painting of Buddha Smiling
Cold, Cold
Costa Rican Geometric Themed Mountain Landscape Painting
Your Shadow
Signed Expressionist and Cubist Oil and Acrylic Painting
Manomay Ganesha
Hindu Spiritual Deity Signed Fine Art Painting
Blue Majesty
Original Signed Krishna and Peacock Painting in Blue
Rising Into Enlightenment
Original Buddha Acrylic Painting on Canvas...
Sowing Moon II
Signed Abstract Acrylic and Oil Painting in Blue
Unstretched Red and Blue Expressionist Acrylic Painting
Peaceful Heart
Signed Expressionist Peace Painting of a Man and Doves
Peace For All Nations
Expressionist Peace Painting of Pregnant Woman...
Andean Culture
Peru Fine Art Original Oil Expressionist Painting
The Calmness II
Original Signed Blue Buddha Painting from Thailand
Original Acrylic on Canvas Buddha Painting
Music Expression of the Heart
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting...
Ni Komang Padma
Signed Unstretched Floral Expressionist Painting...
Junjung Banten
Signed Expressionist Painting of Three Women from Bali
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Fish from Bali
Tree Facing the Night
Unstretched Acrylic Expressionist Painting of...
Explorers of the Ocean
Signed Expressionist Painting of Pigeons and...
Sailboats in Blue
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Painting of...
Sailboats at High Seas
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Seascape...
Healing Mask with Earrings
Signed Expressionist Painting of African...
Big Fish Eat Little Fish II
Original Acrylic Fish-Themed Painting
Xylophone Player
Signed Painting of a Xylophone Player from Ghana