Creative Melody
Original Jazz Musician Oil Painting from Peru
The Dancers
Expressionist Abstract Nature Colorful Acrylic Painting
Uniting With Lord Krishna
Signed Expressionist Hindu Painting of...
Unstretched Red and Blue Expressionist Acrylic Painting
Life is Beautiful
Expressionist Oil and Acrylic Painting in Blue and...
Burning Spirit
Oil and Acrylic Dance Painting on Canvas
Ganesha - Playing Drum
Music-Themed Expressionist Ganesha Painting...
Music Meditation--Divine...
Multicolored Acrylic Expressionist...
Music Meditation II
Music-Themed Abstract Mixed Media Paintings...
Musical Krishna
Music-Themed Watercolor Painting on Handmade Paper
Signed Krishna Watercolor Painting on Handmade Paper
Peace of Symphony
Balinese Realist Painting of Violinist in Red Dress
Niluh's Guitar
Signed Original Javanese Painting of a Woman and Her...
Song of My Guitar
Portrait of a Woman with a Guitar Painting from Java
Music Expression of the Heart
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting...
Man and Woman
Cubist Abstract Portrait of a Couple in Jewel Colors
Dancing with Passion
Original Signed Acrylic Painting of a Dancer...
Serimpi Dance
Signed Original Painting of a Javanese Serimpi Dancer
Melayu Music
Expressionist Painting of Maya Musicians in Bright Colors
Harmony of a Concert
Original Painting of a Balinese Women's Musical...
Gandrung Jaran Goyang
Signed Acrylic Dancer Painting from Bali
Gendang Players
Oil on Canvas Portrait of Javanese Gamelan Drummers
Melodies of Yesteryear
Music-Themed Original Watercolor Painting
Original Watercolor on Paper Painting
Sunset Sonata
Andean Musician Watercolor Painting
Doh, Ray, Me
Multicolored Modern Acrylic Painting from Ghana
In Style
Natural Dye Painting of African Drummers from Ghana