Embrace of Loneliness II
Stretched Acrylic Painting of Woman with...
Embrace of Loneliness I
Woman with Red Floral Background Stretched...
Red and Green
Colorful Landscape Expressionist Painting from Peru
Moksha - The Final Truth
Signed Painting of Buddha with Leaves from...
Buddha with Nature
Multicolored Expressionist Painting of Buddha...
Valor Old Tree
Purple and Blue Acrylic Tree Painting
Sengon Forest
Acrylic Nature Painting on Canvas
Acrylic Forest Painting from Java
Dry Up
Signed Acrylic Tree Painting
The Pioneer
Signed Acrylic Landscape Painting on Canvas
Balinese Coffee
Signed Unstretched Warm-Toned Acrylic Painting from...
Twin Women
Signed Floral Expressionist and Cubist Acrylic Painting
Love in the Morning
Mother and Child Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Cuckoo in Rainbow Grassland
Acrylic and Natural Dyes on Paper...
Cuckoo in Eucalyptus Tree
Acrylic and Dyes on Paper Painting of...
Bird in Green Nature
Acrylic & Natural Dyes on Paper Painting of A...
Red Bird in Green Grassland
Great Kiskadee in Grassland
Acrylic Painting of A Great Kiskadee in...