Tropical Garden
People and Portraits Expressionist Painting
Coca Cola in Bali
Still Life Oil Painting from Indonesia
Harmony of Colors
Colorful Expressionist Abstract Painting from Peru
Signed Expressionist Colorful Painting from Peru
Under the Red Sky
Signed Expressionist Blue and Red Diptych Painting...
Northern Lights
Signed Expressionist Multicolored Diptych Painting...
Creative Melody
Original Jazz Musician Oil Painting from Peru
Red and Green
Colorful Landscape Expressionist Painting from Peru
Sunset II
Ocean-Themed Expressionist Painting in Blue from Peru
Painting of Traditional Java Character Wise Wuku Leader
Cold, Cold
Costa Rican Geometric Themed Mountain Landscape Painting
Arenal Volcano
Expressionist Mountain Landscape Oil and Acrylic...
Your Shadow
Signed Expressionist and Cubist Oil and Acrylic Painting
Blue Mountain
Mountain Landscape Oil and Acrylic Painting from Costa...
Sarasvati Lake
Oil on Canvas Swan Painting
Manomay Ganesha
Hindu Spiritual Deity Signed Fine Art Painting
Pious Ganesha
Hinduism Deity Signed Fine Art Painting
Blessing of Ganesha
Original Hindu Ganesha Painting in Warm Color...
Divine Light
Painting of Buddha in Orange Palette by Indian Artist
Hindu Queen Satyavati Original Fine Art Painting
Atitlan Landscape
Original Painting of a Lake and Mountains from...
Signed World Peace Project Expressionist Painting
They Are Stealing the Girl
Kidnapping the Bride Painting Signed...
Saint Mary
Signed Oil and Acrylic Virgin Mary Painting
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Original Virgin Mary Painting on Canvas
Virgin Mary Oil and Acrylic Painting
Celebrations of Holi
Signed Expressionist Painting of Hindu Krishna...
Moksha - The Final Truth
Signed Painting of Buddha with Leaves from...
Original Andean Fine Art Painting of Colorful Willow Trees
Peaceful Heart
Signed Expressionist Peace Painting of a Man and Doves
Peace For All Nations
Expressionist Peace Painting of Pregnant Woman...
Benevolent Vinayak
Oil Expressionist Painting of Vinayak from India
Buddha in the Golden Age
Original India Fine Art Painting of Buddha...
Graceful Ganesha
Expressionist Hindu Lord Ganesha Portrait in Oils
Peace-inspired Signed Original Portrait Painting from India
Holy Ganesha
Oil Expressionist Painting of Ganesha from India
Mystic Ganesha
Mystical Grey India Hindu Ganesha Painting in Oils
Oil and Acrylic on Wood of Two Jaguars in a Jungle
Day and Night
Oil and Acrylic on Wood With Giraffe Trees Sun and Moon
Multicolored Contemporary Painting from Mexico
Caribbean Dream
Cubist-Inspired Original Painting
Olmec Geometry
Bold Original Olmec Head Painting
Xipe Totec
Unique Painting of Aztec Deity
Signed Original Buddha Oil Painting from India
Sipán II
Signed Expressionist Orange and Red Oil Painting from Peru
Sipán I
Signed Expressionist Blue and Purple Oil Painting from Peru
Andean Culture
Peru Fine Art Original Oil Expressionist Painting
Abstract Expressionist Painting
Symbol of Peace
World Peace Project Original Signed Expressionist...
Posing in Peace on a...
Andean World Peace Painting Seascape Memories
Happiness Smile II
Signed Painting of an Elephant and a Red Sun from...
Delighted Mind
Signed Elephant and Moon Painting from Thailand
Pray to the Moon
Signed Painting of an Elephant with a Golden Moon
Watching the Moon
Signed Painting of an Elephant in Black and White
Happy Under the Moonlight
Signed Painting of an Elephant and...
Be Glad II
Signed Painting of an Elephant with a Golden Sun
Happiness Smile I
Signed Painting of an Elephant Against the Sun
Peeling Onions
Expressionist Painting of Women Peeling Onions
Backstage Dancers
Original Balinese Dance Theme Portrait in Shades...
Gendang Players
Oil on Canvas Portrait of Javanese Gamelan Drummers
Oil on Canvas Painting of a Javanese Hindu Woman
Canang Seller
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Saleswomen from Bali
Junjung Banten
Signed Expressionist Painting of Three Women from Bali
Two Farmers
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Farming Women from...
Three Balinese Women
Signed Expressionist Painting of Balinese Women
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Fish from Bali
Women Dialogue
Signed Original Balinese Painting
Dancing Between Apples
Oil Painting on Canvas with Fruit Motif
Allegro with Violin
Original Fine Art Oil Painting Peru
Fishing Port
Framed Signed Expressionist Oil Fishing Port Painting
Sailboats in Blue
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Painting of...
Sailboats at High Seas
Framed Signed Expressionist Blue Oil Seascape...
Fly Doves, Fly
World Peace Project Expressionist Painting of Peace...
Explorers of the Ocean
Signed Expressionist Painting of Pigeons and...
One With Nature
Signed Ocean-Themed Surrealist Painting from India
Grey Angel
Signed Painting of a Female Angel (2017) from Indonesia
Cheerful Radiance
Red Lotus Blossoms Original Fine Art Painting