Meditation on Peace
Original Acrylic Painting from Costa Rica
Serene Buddha
Expressionist Buddha Painting in Green from Thailand
Symbolic World Peace Project Signed Expressionist...
Buddha At Peace
Expressionist Painting of Buddha in Orange from India
Peaceful Heart
Signed Expressionist Peace Painting of a Man and Doves
Peace For All Nations
Expressionist Peace Painting of Pregnant Woman...
Krishna the Musician
Original Signed Painting of Krishna with a Peacock
Peaceful Buddha
Golden Buddha Painting on Black and Grey
Chakra Meditation I
Surreal Indian Signed Fine Art Painting
Multicolored Contemporary Painting from Mexico
Khayangan Tiga Temple
World Peace Project Signed Unstretched Painting
Peace of Symphony
Balinese Realist Painting of Violinist in Red Dress
Peaceful Mind
Colorful Thai Expressionist Painting of Buddha
Signed Acrylic on Canvas Painting of Buddha
A Lotus
Buddhist Lotus Acrylic on Canvas Painting
Original Acrylic on Canvas Buddha Painting
The Peace is Beautiful
Signed Unstretched Expressionist Acrylic...
Create a Beautiful World
Signed Unstretched Peace-Themed...
Women Want to Be at Peace
Signed Unstretched Expressionist and...