Creative Melody
Original Jazz Musician Oil Painting from Peru
Virgin Mary Oil and Acrylic Painting
Celebrations of Holi
Signed Expressionist Painting of Hindu Krishna...
Moksha - The Final Truth
Signed Painting of Buddha with Leaves from...
Posing in Peace on a...
Andean World Peace Painting Seascape Memories
Canang Seller
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Saleswomen from Bali
Two Farmers
Signed Expressionist Painting of Two Farming Women from...
Three Balinese Women
Signed Expressionist Painting of Balinese Women
Gendang Players
Oil on Canvas Portrait of Javanese Gamelan Drummers
Oil on Canvas Painting of a Javanese Hindu Woman
Women Dialogue
Signed Original Balinese Painting
One With Nature
Signed Ocean-Themed Surrealist Painting from India
Grey Angel
Signed Painting of a Female Angel (2017) from Indonesia