Embrace of Loneliness II
Stretched Acrylic Painting of Woman with...
Embrace of Loneliness I
Woman with Red Floral Background Stretched...
Bird Colorful
Bird Themed Original Acrylic Painting
Lady with Poinsettias
Portrait of Purepecha Woman and Poinsettias...
Illuminated Corolla
Signed Oil Painting of a White Rose
Symbolic World Peace Project Signed Expressionist...
When I Think of You
Surreal Portrait in Acrylics on Canvas
Cool Stag Beetle
Acrylic Beetle Painting on Canvas
Fluid Art Painting from Costa Rica
White-Nosed Coati
Acrylic on Canvas Realist Painting of A...
Traditional House
Acrylic Realist Painting of A Costa Rican...
Lotus Pond
Signed Unstretched Impressionist Oil Painting of Lotus Bloom
Signed Unstretched Hindu Painting of Ganesha with Lotuses
In the Name of the Rose
Original Rose Painting from Guatemala
Bushy-Crested Jays
Signed Realist Painting of Blue Jays from Guatemala
Realistic Signed Guatemalan Tropical Landscape Oil Painting
Cherry Blossom at Phu Lom Lo
Impressionist-Style Floral Landscape...
The Sunflower When Rising
Floral Impressionistic Painting from Thailand
Floral Dew
Signed Painting of a Pink Flower with Leaves from India
Uniting With Lord Krishna
Signed Expressionist Hindu Painting of...
Hope of Love
Signed Acrylic Expressionist Painting of a Woman
Everything's Gonna Be Alright
Spring-Themed Oil and Pencil on Paper...
Siddi Vinayak
Floral Expressionist Painting of Faces from India
Peaceful Love of Radha Krishna
World Peace Project Madhubani Style...
Women Eccentricity
Painting of Group of Women from Indian Madhubani...
Parvati Ganesha Saga
Elephant Deity Madhubani Style Painting from India
Glorious Radha
Radha Floral Madhubani Style Painting from India
Soulmate - Radha Krishna
God and Goddess of Love Madhubani Style...
Ganesha - The Beginning
Indian Madhubani Painting of Hindu God of...
Ram Sita in Chirtrakoot
Ramayana-Themed Madhubani Painting from India
Ganesha & Parvati
Hindu Mythology Figure Madhubani Painting from India
Radha with Gopies
Painting of Hindu Godess Radha in Madhubani Style...
Shiva & Shakti Madhubani Painting on Paper from India
Eternal Tale of Love
Krishna & Radha Madhubani Painting on Paper...
Hibiscus Charm
Hybrid Hibiscus Floral Art
Floral Season
India Flower Painting
Sunflower Splendor
Sunflower Bouquet Oil on Canvas Painting from India
Giving the Best
Acrylic Blossoming Tree Painting on Canvas
Spring Lotus
Floral Impressionist Watercolor Painting of Pink Lotus
White Frangipani III
Stretched Impressionist Watercolor Painting of...
White Frangipani II
Signed Impressionist Watercolor Painting of...
White Frangipani I
Stretched Floral Impressionist Watercolor Painting
Frangipani Season II
Watercolor Impressionist Painting of Frangipani...
Frangipani Season I
Signed Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Child's Affection for World
Realist Peace Painting of Girl in Field...
Peace of Symphony
Balinese Realist Painting of Violinist in Red Dress
Symphony of Independence
Signed Acrylic Music Painting (2021)
Play with Nature
Unstretched Signed Nature-Themed Acrylic Painting...
Phuttha Bucha
Signed Stretched Expressionist Painting of Floral Buddha
Super Women
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman in Red
Rose of Dream
Signed Painting of Four Roses from Thailand
Lotus at Dawn
Realist Painting of Pink and White Lotus Flowers (2019)
Lotus Sunset
Signed Realist Painting of Lotus Flowers (2019)
Reflection My Self
Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman and Mirror
Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Daydreaming Woman
Self Introspection
Expressionist Floral Acrylic Portrait Painting of...
Writing of My Life
Signed Expressionist Floral Acrylic Woman...
Woman and Flower
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman and...
Faithfully Waiting
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman on...
Faith of Lanna III
Silver Elephant on Golden Lotus Thai Signed Painting
Faith of Lanna II
Golden Elephant and Lotuses Mixed Media Signed...
Ni Wayan Rukma
Acrylic Figure Painting with Floral Motif
Kiss You
Cubist Acrylic Figure Painting from Java
Dayu and Made
Romantic Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Balinese Coffee
Signed Unstretched Warm-Toned Acrylic Painting from...
Niluh Sekarwangi
Signed Unstretched Expressionist Acrylic Painting...
Ni Komang Padma
Signed Unstretched Floral Expressionist Painting...
Create a Beautiful World
Signed Unstretched Peace-Themed...
Signed Unstretched Floral Expressionist Acrylic Painting
Twin Women
Signed Floral Expressionist and Cubist Acrylic Painting
Women Want to Be at Peace
Signed Unstretched Expressionist and...
Women Dialogue
Signed Original Balinese Painting
Harmony in White
White and Lilac Orchids Fine Art Signed Original...
Warm Tenderness
Pink and Lilac Orchids Signed Original Painting from...
Red-Headed Trogon
Realistic Watercolor Painting of Red-Headed Trogon...
Two Bird Couples
Colorful Signed Balinese Art Floral Nature Painting
Beauty in the Form of Nature
Thai Black and White Etching Print of...
Happy in Red
Floral Acrylic Painting
Cheerful Radiance
Red Lotus Blossoms Original Fine Art Painting