Peace in Fir Forest
Acrylic Landscape Painting on Canvas
The Flowing Road
Acrylic on Canvas Landscape Painting of River from...
The Beauty of the River
Acrylic on Canvas Landscape Painting of...
Earth's Vein
Acrylic on Canvas Impressionist Landscape Painting from...
Flowing Life
Signed Impressionist Landscape Painting from Java
Volcano in the Distance
Mountain Scene Acrylic on Canvas Painting
Our Forest
Signed Acrylic Landscape Painting from Indonesia
River View
Impressionist Acrylic Painting of the Ayung River in Bali
Near My Village
Balinese Acrylic Forest Painting on Canvas
Landscape in Tanggayuda
Signed Impressionist Painting of Tanggayuda...
Java Lake
Signed Impressionist Painting of a Lake from Java
Lakeside Borobudur