The Old Threshold
Old Threshold with Flowers in Antigua Guatemala...
Oil Realist Portrait Painting of Child with Blue Headscarf
The Girl is Beautiful
Realist Portrait Painting of Guatemalan Girl
Our Cause
Signed Stretched Abstract Painting in a Warm Color Scheme
Seeds II
Stretched Acrylic and Oil Abstract Painting in Warm Hues
Seeds I
Stretched Acrylic and Oil Abstract Painting in Cool Hues
Saint Antonio Palopó
Guatemalan Landscape Oil Painting with Realist...
La Antigua Street
Signed and Stretched Realist Painting of Floral...
Las Animas Street II
Signed and Stretched Realist Painting of...
Zunil Town
Realist Painting of Rural Town of Zunil from Guatemala
San Cristobal II
Oil Realist Painting of San Cristobal Town in...
Las Animas Street V
Realist Painting of Las Animas Street in Antigua...
A Street in Antigua
Oil Realist Painting of a Street in Antigua...
Zunil Town II
Oil on Canvas Realist Painting of a Rural Town in...
Las Animas Street IV
Oil Realist Painting of Las Animas Street in...
Ancient Capuchinas II
Oil on Canvas Realist Painting of a Church...
Las Animas Street III
Signed and Stretched Realist Painting from...