The Girl is Beautiful
Realist Portrait Painting of Guatemalan Girl
Oil Realist Portrait Painting of Child with Blue Headscarf
Woman on Horseback
Signed Stretched Impressionist Painting of Woman...
Alluring Radha
Signed Expressionist Painting of Radha from India
Pious Ganesha
Signed Expressionist Painting of Ganesha from India
Twin Ganapati
Buddha At Peace
Expressionist Painting of Buddha in Orange from India
Strange Guys
Modern Portrait Painting from Indonesia
Traditional House
Acrylic Realist Painting of A Costa Rican...
Crying Out for Peace
Oil and Acrylic Painting of Woman Crying Out...
The Male Medusa
Expressionist Green and Blue Acrylic Painting from Bali
Don Quixote in Blue and Red
Oil on Canvas Naif Painting of Don...
Red Marina
Woman at The Beach Acrylic Impressionist Seascape Painting
Uniting With Lord Krishna
Signed Expressionist Hindu Painting of...
Celebrations of Holi
Signed Expressionist Painting of Hindu Krishna...
Moksha - The Final Truth
Signed Painting of Buddha with Leaves from...
Signed Polyptych Portrait Paintings (Set of 5)
Signed Watercolor Painting on Handmade Paper from India
Virgin Mary Oil and Acrylic Painting
Heart and Shell
Mixed Media Oneiric Painting of Man Heart and Crab
Mature Gaze
Original Watercolor Portrait Painting
The Little Frida
Signed Frida-Themed Surrealist Print from Mexico
Layla and Majnun III
Scene in Uzbek Traditional Lacquer Miniature...
Plowing Rice Field
Nature-Inspired Impressionist Acrylic Rice Field...
Yesterday's News
Surrealist Painting
A Sea of Reverie
Expressionist Painting of a Woman at the Beach from...
Colorful Original Andean Painting
Love Your Job
Expressionist Floral Acrylic Painting from Bali
Super Women
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman in Red
Reflection My Self
Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman and Mirror
Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Daydreaming Woman
Writing of My Life
Signed Expressionist Floral Acrylic Woman...
Signed Expressionist Vibrant Acrylic Painting of Woman
Woman and Flower
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman and...
Music Expression of the Heart
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting...
A Glass of Traditional Spices
Expressionist Acrylic Painting of...
Faithfully Waiting
Signed Expressionist Acrylic Painting of Woman on...
Peaceful Heart
Signed Expressionist Peace Painting of a Man and Doves
Oil and Acrylic Portrait Painting
Original Fine Art Portrait Painting
The Last Trauma
Female Portrait in Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Signed Original Painting from Bali
The Holy Dalai Lama
Signed Portrait Painting on Canvas
The Man Named Genghis Khan
Expressionist Oil and Acrylic Painting on...
Inner Beauty
Signed Javanese Figure Painting on Canvas
The Emancipation
Signed Oil and Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Women For Your Daughter
Oil and Acrylic Figure Painting on Canvas
Light Your Way
Oil and Acrylic Portrait Painting on Canvas
Oil and Acrylic Female Figure Painting on Canvas
Oil and Acrylic Portrait Painting from Java
A Strong Woman
Original Expressionist Painting of Artistic Nude
Expressionist Female Nude Painting from Bali Artist
Sad Love
Original Signed Expressionist Nude Painting in Red and Blue
Evolution of Life
Bold and Colorful Original Signed Painting from Bali
Life is Adventure
Artistic Nude Figure Study Painting in Rainbow Colors
Life Must Go On
Original Signed Artistic Nude Painting in Rainbow...
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Vibrant Hues
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Blue and Green
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Intense Hues
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Red and Blue
Unstretched Acrylic and Oil Female Form Painting from Bali
Expressionist Oil and Acrylic Female Form Painting from Bali
Peace For All Nations
Expressionist Peace Painting of Pregnant Woman...
Shy Women
Artistic Nude Portrait from Bali
Burning Spirit
Oil and Acrylic Dance Painting on Canvas
The Time Has Gone
Signed Expressionist Acrylic and Oil on Canvas...
Optimist Ella
Bold and Colorful Painting of Female Nude
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Blue Red and Green
Artistic Nude Acrylic and Oil Painting in Red and Yellow
Milk Seller II
Oil and Batik Calico Painting of a Ghanaian Mother...
Dance on the Farm
Brazilian Country Town Dance Black and White...
Mystic Woman
Masked Acrylic Portrait Painting on Canvas
Acrylic Portrait Painting on Canvas
Sadhu III
Signed Realist Painting of a Hindu Sadhu from India
Sadhu I
Signed Realist Painting of a Sadhu in Profile from India
Signed Expressionist Painting of a Woman from India
The Path of Paint Traces
Signed Expressionist Oil and Coated Paper...
Layla and Majnun II
Folk Art Crafted in Uzbek Lacquer Miniature...
Signed Acrylic Expressionist Portrait
Signed Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Love Theme Expressionistic India Painting in Hot Colors
Expressionistic Original India Painting in Hot Colors
Krishna & Radha
Signed Expressionist Krishna and Radha Painting from...
Controlled Mind
Original Signed Cubist Motivational Portrait Painting